4.2 Acquiring and Preparing Data for PSDB
4.2.1 Remotely Sensed Data: Landsat TM
images were processed using image processing
system as follows:
a. Two tapes containing the images of the
study area for years 1990 and 1993
were acquired and have been used to
achieve the aim of this study.
The extent (patches) of the study area
was determined then down loaded to the
hard disk.
Image enhancements such as histogram
equalization were applied on the images
in order to enhance the distinction
between its features.
Preparing color composites were
performed using standard bands of Red,
Green, and Blue (RGB), respectively.
determining best band combinations to
the to insure feature separability.
Performing classifications for selected
band combinations using unsupervised
modules and post-supervised
classification techniques for (1990) and
(1993) TM images.
Obtained data were prepared for coding
them in the knowledge base of the
system in a qualitative sense.
4.2.2 Laboratory Data: Field trips to the study
area and collecting samples for laboratory
testing were conducted. Two soil samples,
from two different areas with two different
characteristics were collected and brought to the
environmental and soil laboratories at the civil
engineering department at KSU.
Two major laboratory tests were performed.
The first was the classification test for different
soil types. The other test was a comprehensive
test that last for about ten days. It covered all
aspects of swell/shrinkage properties of the soil
samples. It should be stated here that sample
locations were defined on aerial photographs as
well on the satellite images. Finally, these
data were prepared carefully to be suitable for
coding proper information in the knowledge
base. The field data, also used as a real-world
reference data for testing purposes as well as
for verifying identities of unsupervised classes.
Table 2 is a sample of laboratory soil tests.
According to the findings of the laboratory test
and image interpretation, soil was classified
into clay, silt, and sand. Comparing these
types in (A) and (B) sites showed that (A)
contained high percentage clay, whereas it was
less in (B). On the other hand, the soil
swelling test showed that both areas were
subjected to swelling. However, the swelling
was higher in (A) than it was in (B) due to the
existence of the mineral "montmorillonite" in
site A. Montmorillonite is a mineral that cause
soil swelling under certain weather conditions
and with water availability. It should be stated
here that the absence of montmorillonite does
not necessarily mean the absence of swelling.
A correlation between swelling soils that were
approved by lab tests and interpreted on TM
images was verified. ^ Accordingly, from
interpreting images and re-entering its input to
the 'SDB system soil swelling behaviors can be
In case that soil is permanently dry, or
permanently saturated, no soil swelling are
expected in areas that contain factors causing
swelling; that is stable weather condition
prevents soil change.
I’SDB contains many recommendations each of
which is a guidance for civil engineers on how
to treat sites of projects according to the
degree of the damaging behavior of bed soils.
For instance, having proper slopes to prevent
Still water from accumulating at or near
structures, preparing very efficient draining
systems to prevent water from reaching
foundation soils of structures, and laying the
structures on separate foundations on resistible
Soil with large factor of safety are samples of
recommendations contained in PSDB in case of
identifying expansive soils.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996