Figure 2 - Regions that have more 200 inhabitants per km?
um à a 208
BE 200 a 2000
In producing DTM's from population density data
sets, the user can retrieve information about a specific
geographic position for the study region. Moreover, the
user can visualize any classification that he/she wants, or
specific geographic analyses, through DTM slicing. Each
DTM slicing operation generates a thematic layer that
represents a population density map.
In this work, some maps were obtained with
DTM slicing, to exemplify this possibilities of choropleth
mapping. In the first exemple (Fig.2) it is shown the map
of regions that have more than 200 inhabitants per km?,
in 1991. This map was generate classifying the DTM with
the following classes: O to 200, and 200 to 2000 inhab.
per km?. Other maps were obtained, with the DTM slicing
operation, using the following methods for data
classification (DENT, 1985): constant intervals, natural
breaks and iterative method. The figures 3 and 4 present
choropleth maps with constant intervals classification. In
the first, we consider Sao Paulo population density, to
observe its influency in the others data. The natural
breaks classification, analized through the iterative
method, was developed to generate the choropleth map
of the figure 5.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996