Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

3.5 Forestry Mapping of Northern Namibia 
A forestry mapping project made in co-operation between SSC 
and the Directorate of Forestry under the Ministry of 
Environment and Tourism of Namibia of the forestry areas of 
Northern Namibia started in late 1992 and finished in late 1994. 
Forestry Maps based on 46 Satellite Image Maps at 1:100,000 
based on Landsat TM and 158 Satellite Image Maps at 1:50,000 
based on SPOT multispectral were produced. The middle 
infrared channel of Landsat TM was not used as it was not 
considered, after tests, to contain any additional information 
compared to the conventional infrared colour combinations. 
The project has now been extended to a second phase, mapping 
24 more map sheets at 1:100,000 and 92 map sheets at 1:50,000 
with similar methodology. 
3.6 Land Use / Land Cover Mapping in Mongolia 
The project entitled "The Assessment of Environmental 
Conditions and Land Use / Land Cover Mapping of the Ugtaal- 
Jargalant Area" was carried out as a co-operation between SSC 
Satellitbild, the Research Institute for Land Policy and the 
National Remote Sensing Centre in Ulanbaatar during 1994-95 
(Malmberg et al, 1995). The project was based on one set of 
SPOT XS scenes from 1994 and one provisional set from 1986, 
in which a gap was complemented with Landsat TM data. 
Precision corrected Satellite Orthophoto Maps at 1:50,000 and 
1:150,000 were used for visual interpretation of 16 area classes 
and 7 point and land feature classes. The work flow is described 
in Fig 5. 
Activity Flow Chart 
Reception of SPOT Data at SSC Esrange 
and of Landsat TM Data at EROS Data Centre, USA 
Collection of Maps and Documents 
Production of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 
System and Precision Correction of Satellite Data; 
Enhancement of Contrast and Colour Balance; 
Production of CD-ROMs of SPOT XS Scenes 
Production of Photographic Images of SPOT XS Scenes, 
Scale 1:100,000 
Digital Mosaicking and Sectioning of Satellite Scenes 
combined with Digital Terrain Model into 
Satellite Orthophoto Maps (SOMs); 
Production of CD-ROMs of XS and TM SOMs 
Production of Photographic Images of TM SOM, Scale 1:150,000 
Production of Photographic Images of XS SOMs, Scale 1:50,000 
Study of Background Material 
Ground Field Work 
Training in Sweden 
Definition of Preliminary Classification Legend 
Draft Interpretation 
Field Work 
Definition of Final Classification Legend 
Final Interpretation 
Digitizing of Interpretation Manuscripts into a 
Geographic Information System (GIS); 
Area Computation 
Digital Cartography 
Plotting of Printing Originals for Land Use / Land Cover Maps, 
Scale 1:50,000 
Printing of Land Use / Land Cover Maps 
Final Report 
Figure 5. Activity Flow Chart for the Assessment of 
Environmental Conditions and Land Use / Land 
Cover Mapping of the Ugtaal-Jargalant Area. 
3.7 Forest Inventory in Chile ( À Pilot Project) 
The aim of the project was to (i) evaluate whether the use of 
satellite images can fulfil, completely or partly, the demand for 
up-to-date forest information on both plantations and native 
forests; (ii) evaluate feasible data sources to be used and (iii) 
evaluate technology to be used - digital or analog. The goal of 
the project was to test the feasibility and learn how to use 
satellite data in forest inventory. It was carried out as a co- 
operation between SSC Satellitbild and Instituto Forestal in 
Santiago de Chile. Seven natural forest types and five plantation 
classes were available within the project area. 
Today the inventory of the plantation forests is done using 
aerial photographs for later transfer into GIS - the scale 
corresponding to 1:50,000. Concerning natural forests overall 
up-to-date information is mainly lacking, but is now carried out 
at scales corresponding to 1:250,000. Three test areas were 
inventoried - each covering four different map sheets at 
1:50,000, and including one sheet at 1:25,000 - one coastal 
area, dominated by pine plantations, and two mountainous 
areas, consisting mainly of secondary and primary natural 
forests. Satellite Orthophoto Maps were produced for the 
corresponding map sheets based mainly on merged SPOT 
panchromatic and multispectral images. Landsat TM was used 
complementarily. Digital interpretation on hard copies and 
semi-automatic computer based methodology were compared. 
In the latter method, the images were segmented automatically 
and a predelineation was achieved. This predelineation was the 
basis for an interactive delineation. In the final delineated 
image, an on-screen interpretation was performed. 
The results were in most regards negative for the computerised 
methodology. It gave lower accuracy, and was slower and more 
monotonous. Satellite data was found to be useful, but needed 
to be combined with other information sources. 
3.8 Planimetric Mapping for the National Population 
Census in Nigeria. 
As a part of the National Population Census of Nigeria, in all 
177 planimetric maps at 1:50,000 were produced (Atilola, 
1990). The areas to be mapped were not earlier covered with 
sufficient 1:50,000 maps. Where maps existed they were 
produced by approximate means which included direct tracing 
from aerial photographs and acquisition of control points by 
slotted templates. For five out of seven blocks SSC produced 
Satellite Image Maps (not orthocorrected) from multispectral 
SPOT-images. The choice of the multispectral mode was based 
upon image availability. The Satellite Image Maps were 
produced in UTM, while most of the existing material was in 
Modified Transverse Mercator in imperial units. 
From the Satellite Image Maps cartographic information was 
extracted and later verified in the field - primarily settlements 
and road network. The results were presented as combined line 
and image maps in black and white. For the relatively limited 
selection of objects to be detected the project was considered a 
success. SPOT data existed for almost the complete areas, 
which was in itself a success as some mountainous areas had 
earlier defied all attempts to be mapped because of cloudiness. 
This mapping resulted in a continuation with updating of the 
regular 1:50,000 series by the Federal Survey Department of 
Nigeria of further 350 map sheets, this time using panchromatic 
images (Allo, 1993). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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