Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

environment, with limited access and severe instability, the 
design and testing of a maintainable co-ordinate system is of 
critical importance. In order to obtain the desired sub- 
millimetre accuracy, a complex configuration of co-ordinate 
reference points and camera stations is required. The 
photogrammetric design relies on two types of control points 
to maintain the reference co-ordinate system throughout the 
entire photogrammetric model, these are co-ordinated points 
on the reference frame and tie points (points required for the 
transfer of co-ordinate control from one stereo-image set to 
the next). These points must be configured to provide an 
adequate geometry to ensure accurate determination of the 
camera station positions and orientations and thus must be 
able to withstand the impact of the pre-conditioning blast. 
In order to realise this objective, a stable reference co-ordinate 
system is required. The use of a pre-constructed reference 
frame, consisting of steel tubes and a steel back plate with 
attached circular retro-reflective targets to define the co- 
ordinate system, provides a means of achieving this. Due to 
the limitations of the mining environment, the maximum 
reference frame size tolerated is 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.2m. 
The only stable structures within the stope (the working area 
at the rock face in the mine) which are capable of maintaining 
stability during the pre-conditioning blast, within the required 
accuracy, are the wooden packs which support the overhead 
"hanging wall". This poses a substantial problem as it restricts 
the reference co-ordinate frame, attached to a pack, to being 
placed at right angles to the rock face being measured. In 
order to compensate for the poor geometry and diverging 
imagery resulting from this, a complex configuration of 
control points is required for the establishment of accurate 
point co-ordinate on the rock face itself. Figure 1, below 
shows a diagrammatic description of the configuration 
required for transferring the co-ordinate system from the 
reference frame to the rock face. 
forward facing image 
---: backward facing image 
8 camera stations 
® target points 
Figure 1 - Camera and Target Pole Configuration 
The adopted design is based on the acquisition of images at 
two height levels. During the image acquisition, the camera 
is moved sequentially from station to station, beginning with 
the reference frame and following the wall until the entire 
deformation area is covered. Multi-images at each station are 
taken while transferring the co-ordinate system from the 
reference frame to the face, through an angle of 90 degrees. 
During image acquisition the operator is faced with the 
difficult task of guaranteeing full multi-image coverage of the 
face, while hand-holding the camera in the physically very 
demanding and constrained environment. 
In the interest of maximum portability of the measuring 
system, it was decided to rely on the use of a digital still 
camera. This decision was taken after first attempts with a 
CCD video camera, linked to a frame grabber in the docking 
station of a laptop, proved extremely cumbersome and 
impractical. The Kodak DCS420m was found to be a suitable 
image capture device, both portable and able to withstand the 
harsh environment of the deep-level mine, while satisfying all 
safety condition for electronic equipment. The DCS420m has 
a solid state CCD sensor with a resolution of 1524 x 1012 
pixels on a 14mm x 9.3mm chip (9um x 9um per pixel). This 
camera stores up to 65 black and white images on a single 
PCMCIA Type III hard drive (105Mb capacity); the drives 
are interchangeable and manufacturers claim the capture of 
up to 1000 images is possible on one battery charge. 
Due to the constrained space available in the stope, a very 
wide angle lens is required to obtain the maximum field of 
view. For the photography, a 14mm lens was employed, 
Which is the approximate equivalent of a 28mm lens with a 
conventional 35mm camera. As the CCD sensor only 
samples the centre part of the image created by the lens, the 
fish-eye distortion typical for a 14mm lens, at the image 
edges, has little negative effect and can be well modelled with 
the lens distortion model. 
As there is no readily available power source in the stope, 
image lighting needs to be flash generated. For this purpose, 
the Nikon SB-20 Speedlight provided a more than adequate 
3.1 Pre-Site Preparations 
Before entering the stope, it is necessary to pre-calibrate the 
camera and determine the co-ordinates of the reference 
control frames to be used. 
3.1.1 Camera calibration must be carried out prior to 
entering the mine. Throughout the process of image capture 
the camera must remain at the fixed and pre-calibrated focal 
length. This is vital to the analysis of the data after image 
capture, as no self-calibration procedures are possible. 
For the image capturing process, the camera must be focused 
to a suitable distance for the stope conditions. This typically 
varied between 1.5m and 2.5m depending on the closure 
within the stope. Once the focal length is set, the lens 
focusing ring is taped into position to prevent movement 
during the image capture process. 
Calibration of the interior orientation parameters of the 
camera, including principal distance, principal point and lens 
distortion parameters, is achieved by the capture of multiple 
images of a calibration control frame, from differing 
perspectives. Semi-automated analysis of the calibration 
images by target centring and target identification algorithms 
(described below) and a constrained bundle adjustment 
provides the desired parameters. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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