Dieter Schmidt and Dieter Fritsch
Institute of Photogrammetry
Stuttgart University
P.O.B. 106037
70049 Stuttgart / Germany
Intercommission WG III/IV
KEY WORDS: GIS, Three-dimensional, Data Model, Integration, Algorithms
ABSTRACT: Some of the 2.5D geographic information systems can easily be extended for the third dimension. The ex-
tension is exercised by supplementing a 3D data model and additional 3D operations. For computing the three-dimensional
operations one can refer to the alrady existing two-dimensional operations. At the implementation into Smallworld GIS the
available source code can quickly be extended for the third dimension. The presentation is done by an external 3D graphic
Although our perception is three-dimensional, spatial ob-
jects in a geographic information system are for the time
being mostly managed in a two-dimensional way. Therefore
the present research activities pay special attention to the
development of a 3D-GIS. There is an existing need for 3D
data, but the handling is more difficult and requires more
complex algorithms as it is in the two-dimensional case. An-
other problem is to get hold of 3D information.
The three-dimensional topology is already widely used for
computer-aided drafts or computer animation and, besides
that, software and hardware offer more and more 3D sup-
port. The results in the three-dimensional representation of
real objects stand for the further development of geographic
information systems with special emphasis on the analysis
of geometry and attributes.
A first pragmatic approach of the extension of an exist-
ing commercial 2.5D-GIS is to attribute faces for additional
height values. In doing so it is possible to receive a simple
three-dimensional representation which allows an adequate
approximation (of buildings for example) for certain appli-
cations. The representation is then achieved by an external
3D graphic program. Additional parameters like roof slopes
and shapes could support the representation and help to
achieve better accuracy.
Should one require, however, a more substantial representa-
tion as for instance in the field of urban planning, then the
introduction of an additional three-dimensional data model
cannot be omitted.
As already known, two-dimensional data models suffer from
its limitations to model 3D solid objects. By using digi-
tal terrain models (DTM) only three-dimensional surfaces
can be described with single z-values. As to introduce an
additional three-dimensional data model the definition of
relations to the two-dimensional geometry and thematic at-
tributes is necessary. An unique identifier links both the
geometry model and the attributes. In most cases the data
model will be stored in a relational database. As demon-
strated by Molenaar (1992) an analysis can then be per-
formed through the basic language SQL.
The definition geo-object used in the following, describes an
object with spatial relation. It consists of thematic and
spatial attributes. Spatial attributes can either be two- or
three-dimensional. In addition to a 3D attribute every 3D
geo-object holds as well a 2D-attribut which represents its
outlines, i.e. every 3D object has a two-dimensional mark.
In case of a small number of 3D objects it does not matter
developing a 3D access structure, as every geo-object will be
at least referenced through the two-dimensional index.
A three-dimensional data model (see fig. 1) was designed in
the notation of [Rumbaugh, Plaha, Premerlani, Eddy and
-. Lorensen, 1991] . The rectangles describe object classes (like
the object class point), lines denote the association between
object classes. A point at the end of an association line
marks an 1:n relation. A triangle at an intersection of a line
marks a generalization (for example node and intermediate
points are subclasses of the class point). Generalization and
specialization are the general terms to describe both direc-
tions of inheritance. A rhomb on the connecting line de-
scribes an aggregation (for example a point- shaped object
consists of a node).
Within the rectangle, which describes an object class, the
name is written in bold on top, below follows a line. Under-
neath this line attributes of the class will be numbered. An
oblique stroke in front of an attribute denotes that the value
can be calculated and has not to be stored (but will mostly
be done because of efficiency reasons). If a face is planar
it will be calculable but a calculation for every examination
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996
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