Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

e Orthophotos can be generated in monochrome or in 
colour. The DEM can either be a previously digitised 
DEM or it can be generated patch by patch during 
orthophoto generation using image correlation techniques. 
e The image correlation routines utilise monochrome 
images for higher resolution. 
System configuration in production 
In a production environment it is recommended to do the 
orthophoto sheet editing, preparation and printing on a separate 
computer. A network is the most suitable method to transfer 
the data from the PC running the orthophoto generation on the 
PROMAP system to the editing workstation. 
Data acqusition workstatíon 1 
— workstation 
| P Plotter/Printer 
A : 
Editing and printing 
PROMAP System 
Data acqusitíon workstation & 
quee mmm mmn 
: a H Network Server 
t... Ebeee 
PROMAP System 
Fig3 Production system configuration 
Orthophoto Operation 
The ADAM PROMAP Orthophoto Generation functions allow 
an operator who is accustomed to analytical stereoplotter 
operation to create an orthophoto covering the model loaded in 
the PROMAP in a simple user-friendly manner. 
It can operate in either of two modes. 
e Using a pre-existing DEM. In this mode, a DEM from 
any source must be imported for use. It can be digitised 
using ADAM cartographic software or imported from some 
totally external source. In this mode, the system can 
generate an orthophoto covering an entire photograph if 
e Simultaneously with automatic DEM generation. In this 
mode, the DEM for each patch is generated and then the 
Orthophoto segment for the patch is generated immediately 
after. In effect, an orthophoto can be generated even when 
you have no DEM for the model. 
Orthophoto mosaicking and printing 
Orthophotos generated from the ADAM PROMAP can be 
exported into GIS systems or other image management 
software. They can also be printed directly to any Windows 
supported raster plotter. 
Orthophotos are generated one model or photograph at a time. 
Users can export these orthophoto sections for processing by 
another package or can use the simple mosaic options provided 
and join them into completed map sheets. Simple grid and 
feature overlay functions are also provided. 
Automatic DEM generation 
The Automatic DEM works on one patch at the time. With the 
current hardware configuration the patches generated by the 
frame-grabber are 720x540 pixels. Control points or any 
available height information of sufficient accuracy is used for 
initial approximations of ground levels. Depending on the 
terrain, image pyramids up to 3 levels are generated. Least 
squares image matching techniques are utilised to determine 
conjugate points. 
The operator can check the correlated points on the PC monitor 
viewing the stereo model with a basic 3D display. 
The precision of the correlated points are expected to be better 
than 0.5 pixel. 
The correlated ground points are placed on a regular grid based 
on one diapositive. As an additional feature, ground points can 
also be correlated on a regular ground mesh. 
Performance testing 
At the time of writing this paper, it is anticipated that a DEM 
of a model consisting of 60,000 points and a colour orthophoto 
will be generated in under 1 hour. Extensive tests are planned 
to evaluate the performance of the system. 
DEM grid size on plate Imm 0.5mm 
Number of DEM points 20200 80799 
Number of patches 297 297 
DEM generation time 9 min 27 min 
Orthophoto generation 52 min 52 min 
Table 2 Predicted timings and sizes for orthophoto production 
(estimated from prototype at time of writing) 
(Those interested in final test results should contact ADAM 
Technology directly.) 
Product release 
The ADAM PROMAP Orthophoto Generator will be unveiled 
at ISPRS in Vienna, July 1996. Beta testing will begin after 
ISPRS. ADAM PROMAP Automatic DEM is expected to be in 
Alpha testing soon after ISPRS. 
The ADAM PROMAP Automatic DEM and Orthophoto 
options will offer a very cost efficient solution to the problem 
of producing digital orthophotos. 
The ADAM PROMAP can still be used as a conventional 
analytical stereoplotter, however, the advanced automatic 
features offer great productivity increases. 
There are a number of further options that could be developed 
for the system in the future. For example, automatic interiors, 
automatic relative exteriors, high resolution scanning, feature 
digitising assistance functions are among the options that have 
been identified for the future. Once the basic hardware is 
installed, these options will only require a software upgrade. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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