Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

general population . Results of the research in the bay are 
also in the analog form of graphical and tabular 
3.3. Waste depots and pollution of drinking water 
In the Bay of Bakar, waste depots are very often situated at 
the locations where ground water penetrate into the 
underground, so, from the hydrological aspect, they are 
very susceptible and bring the surroundings into danger. 
The same situation is with the waste water. Among the air 
pollution, the most actual problem in the complex of 
simultaneous negative impacts of great numbers of 
sources of pollution and disturbance of the condition of 
surroundings are waste waters, industrial or from private 
houses, or touristic objects, and their draining directly to 
the sea, then existing sources of potential air pollution, 
contamination of the soils and drinking water and waste 
disposition. Hydrological surveying is present 
permanently in last twenty years. Data are almost at the 
analog form of hydrogeological maps, but some data from 
last few years are stored in digital form. Those are only 
data, except meteorological data since 1980's which are in 
digital form. 
3.4. Sea 
For a degree of sea pollution, among the natural 
characteristics of a sea, the most responsible are 
hydrographical properties. Knowledge about the main 
physical, chemical and biological properties of the sea 
water is important for the optimal choice for the destination 
of the particular parts of the sea. Intensity of this processes 
is significantly changeable during the seasonal cycluses, 
but nevertheless, at the basis of available data, it is 
posisible to describe oceanographic characteristics of 
coastal zones. 
Hydrographical characteristics of the Bay of Bakar,( 
disposition of a temperature, concentration of the salt, 
density, contents of the sweet water, residual streams), 
vary because of influence of sweet water, rainfall water and 
effect of the wind. 
3.5. Data and methodology 
It is clear now that the problems of the Bay of Bakar could 
be solved only by the assistance of geographic information 
system. Manipulation with such big volume of data which 
represent the condition of environment is not possible 
without structuring them and managing them with 
computer. A kind of information system is essential 
assumption for the ability to manipulate with data. The 
locations of natural and technological potentials vary 
geographically, which means taking care about 
environment is a spatial phenomena. Geographical 
information system is such kind of system that enable 
manipulating the data concerning their spatial 
For the Bay of Bakar, ideal semantic GIS for the reality was 
projected. Process of building the conceptual model 
started with the interviews with potential users of the 
system, to come to conclusion which information they are 
really interested in, what information they can offer , and in 
which form. Also, to define data structure and relationship 
among the different data sets. 
As a result we proposed the GIS which should consist of 
following databases: geology, hydrology, air and noise, 
oceanography,  social-economical data, vegetation, 
landuse, soils, historical and cultural heritage and norms 
and standards. Spatial reference for all databases is 
surveying reference which is consisted of geodetic points, 
cadastre and topography. 
During the researchment, it became obviously that two kind 
of spatial representation of various data sets is possible. 
Results of measurements at the measuring stations ( 
meteorological data and emission ) may be represented as 
a point related data. But all other data, landuse, sails, 
vegetation, geology, hydrology and also socio-economical 
data may be referenced to the areal component. This is 
the reason why we choose cadastre as a common basis for 
all datasets. Multi-user cadastre system is a frame which 
at the level of the parcel support entire land information, as 
are landuse, vegetation, residential fond, population, 
communal structure, etc. Corners of the parcels at first 
place are used to define geometry of the parcels, and 
later, altogether with other points which location in the 
space is determined, they have a role to connect and 
register land-related data, like data about soil quality, 
topography, hydrology, and so on. Modeling the data by 
the object-oriented paradigm, any object has different 
properties , named attributes, which describe them. 
Different available data are almost in the analog form, in 
form of maps or tabular reports, which is not convenient for 
managing in the manner of computer science. All these 
data should be converted into the digital form especially in 
order to allow different analyses which GIS offer. Also 
different data sets are in interrelation. Degree of pollution of 
the soils, perhaps, depends on the meteorological 
parameters, quantity of emission and topography, which all 
together determine the real estate's value of the parcel. 
Illness of respiratory system of local population depends 
on the period of the exposure to different injoures 
substances and emisson. 
Environmental processes in the Bay of Bakar, as it is 
mentioned before, hardly depend on  meteorological 
conditions and topography. In the purpose of offering a 
good basis for modeling and visualization of the 
environmental processes, digital elevation model is 
produced. Input data for the digital elevation model were 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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