Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

3.3.1 Characteristics of satellite imagery influencing 
automatic height determination (case of SPOT) 
The first stage in image processing is therefore to improve 
the information on satellite position and view direction. 
Processing aerial photographs relies on a property known 
as epipolarity. This means that, after suitable rotation of one 
of the photographs to bring them into alignment, it is 
possible to scan along a line in the one photograph and find 
matching points along a matching line in the other. 
This property is important in computer processing, because 
it enables a scan-line in one image to be related to a scan- 
line in the other, and match points are found with a one- 
dimensional search, among pixel values that are adjoining 
in memory. 
SPOT images do not have this property, because the scan- 
line are imaged at different times from different positions, 
and because of the Earth's rotation. It is often desirable to 
preprocess the images in an attempt to enable epipolar 
scanning. A resampling scheme based on estimated 
satellite position can be performed to simplify the later step 
of finding matching points in the images. 
In order to bring the SPOT images into epipolarity condition 
and also enabling extraction of metric information from 
images, a mathematical model is used to represent the 
platform/sensor imaging characteristics and other 
influencing parameters like Earth'rotation and earth's 
Almost all authors use the collinearity condition equations 
developed for aerial photogrammetry as the basis for their 
algorithm to evaluate point heights [Carrol, 1987; 
Priebbenow, 1989; Koency et al, 1987; Westin, 1990]. The 
image coordinate systems need to be rotated and translated 
according to the ground coordinate system. 
In addition to the pixel location on image and the object 
point coordinates, the collinearity equation usually contains 
six elements of exterior orientation. It is important to notice 
that theoretically due to the continuous movement of 
platform, for each pixel there should be six different 
elements. However for the relatively short period of 
scanning one line of imagery, it is common to consider only 
one set of six elements for each line. 
The collinearity equation corresponding to one line is: 
Aimage= A M P. round 
Where, Aj, is the coordinates of an image point in the 
image coordinate points; Pgouna iS the coordinates of the 
object point in the ground coordinate system; A is a scale 
factor, the ratio of distance between image points to the 
distance between corresponding object points; and M is an 
orthogonal three dimensional rotation matrix, allowing the 
image plane to be rotated parallel to a ground system. 
The orientation of one image of the SPOT satellite is 
defined by the coordinates of the satellite position X,; Y,; Z, 
and its orientation angles w,, ®,, and x . Because of the 
movement and nonuniform gravity of the earth the satellite 
does not move in a simply defined orbit, and the 
coordinates of position and the orientation angles are 
function of the time. Figure 4 shows the effects of these 
variations [Koency et al, 1987]. 
The most direct method for functionally expressing the 
exterior orientation elements for satellite based sensors is 
to model the vehicle motion by orbit parameters. The 
satellite position as well as its nominal heading can be 
calculated as function of time, and then in the collinearity 
equation while the rotational elements (0, 6, x) of exterior 
orientation appear, the positional elements are now 
replaced by functions of the orbital parameters. 
The stereo pairs of SPOT images are taken at different 
times (often within five days), so because of transitory 
phenomena such as cloud, haze, etc, patterns will not 
always match up between two images. Because images are 
slowly sampled over a nine-second period and form 
different rotation angles they are non-epipolar. Day & Muller 
(1989) indicate that rotation and translation can render the 
images near-epipolar, but that in practice it is not possible 
to resample to true epipolarity without iterative adjustment. 
Hence mathematical models that do not require true 
epipolar geometry are preferred. 
3.2 Algorirhm for matching 
There are two basic approaches to finding matching points 
in the two images. The first of these is the area-based, or 
correlation method, and the second approach is feature- 
3.2.1 Area-based algorithm for matching points 
In this method the pixel data is compared directly, searching 
for the position in one image corresponding to target point 
in the other. The measure used to determine the match is 
based on a correlation coefficient calculated over a small 
3.2.2 Feature based matching algorithm for matching 
In this method the original pixel data is simplified, retaining 
only points or lines of major intensity change which will 
correspond to some "features' of the landscape. Matching 
then usually assumes epipolar geometry, that is for a line of 
pixels in one image, a line of pixels can be found in the 
other image that is collinear with it. This greatly simplifies 
the matching process, reducing it to one-dimensional 
search. Epipolar geometry is generally possible with aerial 
photography, but is difficult to achieve accurately with 
satellite imagery because each image is built up over a 
nine-second period, scan-line at a time. During this period, 
the satellite moves a considerable distance, and the earth 
rotates. This means that, strictly, one image can not simply 
be rotated to gain epipolarity. 
Feature-based matching could be based on matching point 
features or edge features. With the point-based approach 
distinct points (interest points) are obtained from each 
image and matched. In contrast, edge-based solution 
identifies distinct edge from each image using an edge 
detector (Otto & Chau, 1989). Edge detectors are 
mathematical operators, operating on different directions. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
Lp ea ye ged 
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