Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

5% when iterative process is performed. The details may 
also be seen from Shi and Shibasaki(1995). 
We have presented some computational algorithms for 
the purpose of automated house change detection for GIS 
database updating, referring to image segmentation, 
multi-feature based stereo matching, statistical disparity 
voting for ground height estimation and so on. The 
major contribution of our research is that we employed 
the disparity differences or surface discontinuities in 
imagery to detect the significant man-made structures like 
houses and created a computational algorithm for 
estimating the ground height, which opened up a new 
path for automated object recognition. 
The experimental results also show that many of the 3D 
lines which give votes for forming the "ground surface" 
in voting algorithm were found lying on the streets or 
roads. It indicates that we may detect the changes of roads 
by overlaying these 3D lines with existing road database. 
It will be one of our research topics in future. 
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(a) Original left image 
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(b) Original right image 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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