Fig.3 Imaged elevation data by 30m mesh size
(Monzen district)
This data was made by us on handiwork
Elevation Data
Watershed |<”
Inclination Angle
Shape Factor
TM Band6
Fig.5 Flow of study
data) has the information of temperature. It is
shown that TM band 6 data represent temperature
of ground surface. Landslide closely relates un-
der ground water. Generally speaking, water con-
tents in landslide area has higher than that of
non-landslide areas.In other words,temperature
of ground surface in landslide areas has lower
than that of non-landslide areas. TM band 6 data
was used to estimate indirectly landslide areas.
It is well known that the NVI data shows vitality
of vegetation. Calculation of NVI is as follows.
In this equation , NIR is the near infrared band
data and VIS is visible band data . The reason
why we use NIR band data is because it reacts to
the amount of chlorophyll in vegetation. Gener-
ally speaking, as NVI increases , mass of vegeta-
tion or the vitality of that vegetation also in-
Fig.4 Imaged elvation data by 50m mesh size
(Monzen district) . Elevation data was
made from DEM.
DEM was establised by Geographic
Survey Institute of Japan.
crease. There are many index to represent the
condition of vegetation by using satellite data.
We adopted equation (1) to analyze the relation
between the vegetation index and occurrence of
landslides. We used band 4 as NIR and band 3 as
VIS in the equation (1). NVI data calculated
from the above equation is greater than or equal
to -1 and less than or equal to +1. Data of equa-
tion (1) needs to be changed to an integer. Equa-
tion (2) was used to change a decimal NVI value
to an integer value.
Figure 5 shows the outline of analysis.There are
five major part in this study. They are generation
of elevation data (in this paper we adopted DEM
data which was made by Geographic Survey In-
stitute of Japan),generation of virtual river from
elevation data , generation of watershed from vir-
tual river and extraction of characteristics of
landslide areas in each watershed. In this paper
we describe the characteristics of inclination
angle , geology, shape factor F ,TM thermal band
data and NVI data within watershed.
Major data of the research is the elevation data.
GIS gives us virtual rivers from elevation data.
We used GIS software of ARC/INFO ,however,
algorithm to extract rivers from elevation data
does not open to users. Our object is not evalua-
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996