Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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calculation of the inner product matrix R =(ry) constituted 
by the position vectors taking the gravity point as the 
origin (Young and Householder's transformation). The 
inner product of points ; andj is given by 
sxd[iseH uds; 2-2 
P SN nr fij A i (1) 
Assume that the points can be distributed in Euclidean 
space and the rank of the inner product matrix R is r. 
From the Young and Householder's theorem, R can be 
decomposed as 
R = DD' (2) 
and each row vector of D shows the coordinates of 
the point concerned in r -dimensional space. Since 
D isa real symmetric matrix and the rank is r , R is 
diagonalized by the orthogonal matrix X as follows; 
X'RX zA (3) 
Aq 0 
where À1,.., À are the positive eigen values of R and X 
is the matrix in which the column vectors are composed 
by the normalized eigen vectors x;,.,x, , ie., xj 2 1, 
corresponding to 41,..,4,. Since the diagonal components 
of A is all positive, 
R =XAX' (4) 
=(x AY?) (X Any 
= Varn... Vor, | (5) 
X11 Xn 11 
= Aq 0009 Ar 
X1n Xrn 
This is the outline of Torgerson' MDS. Next, we discuss 
the relationship between Torgerson's MDS and the least 
squares MDS. Consider the configuration of points on 
two-dimensional space from the point of view of the 
application into time-space mapping. Define the (u,v) 
coordinates of points in the time-space by the first and 
Second column of D , that is, the coordinates of points 
i andj are given by 
U; = Va dn v;= YA xs 
uj = FI Vj = YÀ2xz;. 
The inner product of points i andj |, ny , is 
ry = Axx + A2X 3X aj- (7) 
Hence the mean squares error for all components of the 
inner product matrix, m?, is 
= > Y (Axa + AaX qiX 4). : eru) 
22 2. 22.2 2 212 
=> Sess + Max aiX dj AXES) 
N X (risesspeait d. 0) (8) 
i 2545 tava) 3 sfr] E. 
BAM... «A. 
Therefore, if A; 24; 2...24,, the configuration of points 
by Torgerson's MDS is said to be optimal in the sense of 
approximating the components of the inner product matrix 
in the least squares criterion. However, we should not 
forget that Torgerson's MDS approximates not the given 
time-distances but the inner product matrix. If the given 
time-distances have errors, these two criteria have the 
following differences according to the error propagation 
- If two time-distances are same both in magnitude and 
in direction, the precision of the time-distance which is far 
from the gravity point is higher than another. 
- If two time-distances are same both in magnitude and 
in the distance between the center point of two points and 
the gravity point, the precision of the time-distance which 
is in the radial direction from the gravity point is higher 
than another. 
Accordingly the  variance-covariance matrix of the 
estimated coordinates is affected not only by the time- 
distance itself but also by its direction and distance from 
the gravity point. Thus itis concluded that the configuration 
of points based on Torgerson's MDS is not optimal in the 
restrictive sense of consistence with the given time- 
distances. It is requested to employ the MDS that 
approximates directly the given time-distances in the least 
squares criterion. 
The least squares MDS is basically equivalent to the error 
adjustment problem of the trilateration. The physical 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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