Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

W =(B' 5; B|B'z; s. (27) 
In addition, the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated 
parameters is given by 
I, =o, (s: =, aJ. (28) 
where 02 is the variance of unit weight parameter and 
can be get by 
c2 XT (29) 
2n -k 
The function form of the interpolation functions needs to 
be in general derived after atrial and error process. 
Torgerson's MDS, which has been most commonly used 
as a metric MDS technique, is not an optimal for 
time-space mapping. It is because Torgerson's method 
fits the point configuration not directly on given time- 
distances but on the inner products derived from the given 
time-distances, and brings the distortions of estimates of 
coordinates when there exist the errors in MDS process 
onto two-dimensional space. The least squares MDS 
should be applied into time-space mapping. 
The least squares MDS is basically equivalent to the 
error adjustment problem of trilateration. There is need 
to fix at least three coordinates in order to get a set of 
coordinates. With this, the configuration of points can be 
obtained by the ordinary least squares method. The 
least squares MDS based on trilateration adjustment can 
be utilized as a metric MDS technique. However, such a 
method does not provide the accurate variance-covariance 
of the adjusted coordinates because it is dependent on 
which coordinates are fixed. This is a fatal problem as a 
MDS technique for time-space mapping, since it has need 
toemploy the interpolation procedure based onthe adjusted 
coordinates. In the interpolation process, the variance- 
covariance of coordinates should be dealt as weights in 
the least squares criterion. The least squares MDS is 
required to fairly evaluate the variance-covariance of the 
adjusted coordinates. 
Free network adjustment of trilateration using Moore- 
Penrose generalized inverse enables us to obtain the 
points configuration without fixing any coordinates. 
Furthermore, we are able to fairly evaluate the variance- 
Applying this 
free network MDS, time-space mapping procedure can 
covariance of the adjusted coordinates. 
be systematically represented on the theoretical 
framework of the least squares method. 
It is needless to say the proposed free network MDS is 
significant as a metric MDS technique itself. There have 
been so far scarcely any studies which aim to discuss the 
accuracy of the coordinates of configured points. MDS is 
a general-purpose technique to visually present the 
complicated structure and analyze its basic structure. 
There have been a wide variety of applications in the 
fields including psychology, sociology, geography, and 
The free network MDS may be 
potentially a new powerful weapon in these fields. 
regional science. 
Ewing, G. and Wolfe, R.,1977. Surface feature interpolation 
on two-dimensional time-space map. Environment and 
Planning A, Vol.9, pp.419-437. 
Mittermayer, E. , 1972. A generalization of the least- 
squares method for the adjustment of free networks. Bull. 
Géodésique, No.104, pp.139-157. 
Rao, C. R. and Mitra, S. K., 1971. Generalized inverse of 
matrices and its applications. John Wiley and Sons, New 
Shimizu, E., 1992. Time-space mapping based on 
topological transformation of physical map. Selected Proc. 
the Sixth World Conference on Transport Research, Vol.1, 
Spiekermann, K. and Wegener, M., 1993. New time-space 
maps of Europe. Working Paper 132, Dortmund: Institut 
für Raumplanung, Universität Dortmund. 
Torgerson, W. S., 1952. Multidimensional scaling: |. Theory 
and method. Psychometrika, Vol.17, pp.401-419. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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