Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The task facing the neural network is to perform the 
multiple transformation stages of the geometric 
rectification process. Firstly, a pixel's image coordinates 
need to be geo-referenced into a 3-dimensional geodetic 
coordinate system, from where they can be converted to 
local geodetic coordinates. Subsequently, the local 
ellipsoidal coordinates require projecting as grid 
coordinates. This form of direct rectification produces 
projection coordinates for each pixel in the image (Figure 
1). This can often result in pixels being overlaid or missed 
in a rectified image and therefore requires a post- 
processing filter to be employed on the rectified image to 
solve these problems. 
put image 
oordinates : 
output map 
— e 
Figure 1 
Geo-referencing Using Neural Networks 
A hybrid network is required to learn a different mapping 
function to that learnt by the stand-alone neural network. 
From the exterior of a hybrid network there is no evident 
change of architecture from that of a stand alone neural 
network. The input and output are the same. However, 
internally the architecture of the two differ significantly. 
The neural network module of the hybrid network is used 
to provide corrections to the estimated geo-referenced 
coordinates produced from the rule-base that operates in 
parallel to the neural network module. The neural network 
performs a different task to that previously mentioned in 
82, a different geo-referencing function is required, and 
therefore a new network topology is required. 
Size of Hidden Layer (processing units) 
d d emm 6 8 10 
s 1200 
- 1000 + % 
ui 800 
9 600 
2 400 
- x 
Ó 3 
$= Te 
oO re em 4 
0 ; + + + + + + + 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
Number of Iterations 
Figure 2 Hidden Layer Size Test Results 
Tests were performed to decide upon the new topology 
and values for the new network parameters within the 
neural network module of the hybrid model. This included 
tests for the number of hidden layer units, the learning 
term and the momentum rate. 
Figure 2 shows the effect of altering the number of the 
hidden layer processing units. From the figure it is evident 
that all five curves are highly correlated, possessing very 
similar characteristics. What is apparent from the figure is 
that the final result is approximately the same for all 
curves independent of the number of hidden layer units. 
This simple test demonstrates that a hybrid network, used 
for image geo-referencing, requires fewer processing 
units than a stand-alone network. This property of hybrid 
networks was also concluded by Burniston (1994), for the 
use of hybrid networks in speech approximation. 
For geo-referencing tasks, the reduced number of hidden 
layer units can be attributed to the fact that the major 
rectification manoeuvres are performed by the rule-base 
and not the neural network module as was the case in 82. 
Other network design tests were performed using the 
ERS-1 SAR image. The topology which provided the best 
results, in the design phase, was subsequently kept 
constant for all of the operational tests. The empirical 
tests for determining values of the learning term and the 
momentum rate yielded figures of 0.1 and 0.5 
respectively. The design tests resulted in the network 
topology as illustrated in Figure 3, with the neual network 
module assembled from a single hidden layer, containing 
6 hidden layer processing units. 
Corrections to 
Figure 3 Hybrid Network Topology 
The final hybrid network had the same neural topology as 
used for the stand-alone neural network but possessed 
different values for the learning term and the momentum 
4.1 Hybrid Network Geo-referencing 
This section presents the results using the hybrid neural 
network to determine its learning ability, its performance 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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