Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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e Controlling the buildings of city (whether they are 
suitable for planning, ownership, climatological, 
geological data etc. or not). 
e Heating system of buildings (to prevent environment 
e Types of buildings (calculation of the demolition 
e Information on inhabitants (to define demographical 
and sociological existence and voter registration and 
election district). 
e Information on the office employers ( workers to be 
employed illegally). 
Information on the protection of historical buildings. 
e Information on religious buildings (information on the 
planning of buildings depending on the population). 
e Information on schools (information on the planning 
of buildings depending on the population). 
e Correct taxation assessment and tax collection (in 
order to control the real estate and rent) 
To prevent incorrect and illegal building permissions. 
Information on road main tenanence. 
Information on utility systems (in order to co-ordinate 
between utility companies and to control the 
registered members ). 
e Information on lighting and signalization (to be able to 
do correct traffic planning ). 
e Information on geodetic reference points. 
2.3 System Implementation 
First, a pilot area was selected in Etiler/Istanbul for 
implementation and application the analysis and design 
of the system was completed. Graphic and non -graphic 
data types together with source that has been used in 
application are n Table 1. presented below. 
Data Source Type 
Planimetric maps (sc 1:1000) Municipality of Istanbul Graphic DGN 
Cadastral Maps (sc 1:1000) Directorate of Cadaster Graphic DGN 
Planning sheets (sc 1:1000) Municipality of Istanbul Graphic pap. sheet 
Energy sheets (sc 1:500) Energy Corp. of Country Graphic pap. sheet 
Natural gas sheets (sc 1:200) Gas Corp. of Istanbul Graphic pap. sheet 
Water sheets (sc 1:1000) Water and Sewer Corp. of Ist Graphic pap. sheet 
Sewer sheets (sc 1:1000) Water and Sewer Corp . of Ist Graphic pap. sheet 
PTT sheets (sc 1:1000) PTT Graphic pap. sheet 
Owner registers Directorate Land Reg. of Besiktas Non graphic .dbf 
Inhabitants Wards of district Etiler Non graphic .dbf 
Real estates Assumed of estimated samples Non graphic keyboard 
Table 1. Graphic and Non Graphic Data Used in the Application 
2.3.1 Graphic Data Input into the GIS 
Planimetric and cadastral maps in DGN format and UTM 
coordinate system were obtained from the related 
organizations Levels in DGN file were determined and 
transferred into the DXF by using MicroStation software 
In view of the design of database then into the PC/GIS 
software. Since, DGN format isn't accepted by the 
existing GIS software. Therefore, DGN/DXF/ARCINFO 
conversion had to made for graphic data input. 
Other blue copy maps (utility sheets) were digitized by 
using PC/GIS software's digitizing module as polygon, 
line and point feature. All the digitized map sheets from 
the digitizer units were transferred into UTM coordinate 
system and the topology was constructed. After editing, 
topology has been reconstructed and then adjacent 
maps were joined. 
2.3.2 Non -Graphic Data Input into GIS 
Owner registers data (owner file) have been obtained 
from the related organization as a .dbf and the 
connection with the parcels numbers were set up. 
Inhabitant records have been also obtained in .dbf and 
connected to the number of apartment and flat. Other 
non- graphic data of the buildings, like owner or renter, 
type of building, tax and rent values, heating systems, 
number of floors, type and name of the offices and their 
employer's information etc. were surveyed in the field 
and typed. Other non graphic utilities and planning data 
were read from the map sheets and entered to system. 
The symbols, the code tables were determined and 
related with ID numbers to feature attribute table which 
has been created automatically by processing graphic 
data. After that, graphic and their descriptive non 
graphic data (tabular) were joined. The process of the 
GIS database was shown in Figure 1. 
Non graphic 
Digitize .dbf 
Figure 1. The Process of GIS ‘s Software 
2.4 Application and Quering of the System 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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