Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

menus of the application program were illustrated in 
Figure 2 and the map which has been produced by 
quering in the application menu were shown in Figure 3. 
An application program were created in the macro 
language of PC/GIS software using the clipper compiler 
and commands of GIS software (Alkig,1995). The 
Main Menu 
Draw Zoom Query 
Analyze Clear Exit 
Query Menu 
—|Quering Graphic data to Non graphic data 
Quering Non graphic data to Graphic data 
Quering Non graphic data to Non graphic data 
> Drawing Menu 
Drawing a generated map 
generate a new map Cancel 
Delete output Go to main menu 
—p Coverage Menu 
—» Analyze Menu 
Erasecoverage Quering Graphical data and Non Graphical data 
Clip Measuring of coordinates, distance, area 
Update Cancel 
Overlay Go to Main menu 
- Union 
- Identity 
- Intesect PANA(by Clipper) Organization Input data 
Delete output Names of coverages Query Update data 
Cancel Delete data 
A Exit 
Cancel Exit 
Figure 2. The Main and Submenus of the Application Program 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
Type menu - as Sample 
Rainforces concerete Building Menu . Buildings 
Timber work Quering to type of buildings 
Masonary ruins Quering to the floor number of buildings 
New buildings Quering to heating of buildings Usage Menu 
Quering to usage of buildings Residence 
Cancel Office The prior 
Residence/Office economic 
i Religious building municipa 
of Heating Menu | Historical buiking SMS d 
Central heating of coal Office Menu GIS is im 
Central heating of fueul Quering to the name of office applicatio 
Central heating of gas Quering to Ownership area in tl 
Ro Ad erra] Sung ra of oink wad 
; Quering to tax value : should be 
Decentral heating of gas quera to street-name [- [Enter Street. name indicated. 
Mixture heating Quering to info.of employer I have no 
Exit according 
Dilek Yildizi Sok registered 
Office Name : Emek Manti proc 
Kind of : Restaurant connect a 
At NO 2 coordinat: 
map sho 
Working perm.No: ao 
—————ÓÀ bodies st 
Total record :4 and privai 
System e: 
Turkey s 

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