1. Introduction
1.1 General
The growing demand of geographic information for urban and
rural development, environmental monitoring, land use
analysis and other purposes cannot any more be satisfied with
conventional maps only.
As a consequence, geographic data bases - either for specific or
- preferably - for general purposes are more and more
Users have defined their requirements in certain standards,
sometimes independent from existing software. In Germany the
Survey Authorities developed a set of different systems, where
the *Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (ALK)' - ,, Automated
Cadastral Map“ was designed as cadastral application for large
scale mapping.
Data capturing for the ALK-standards requires topological
structured data and the integration of non-graphical
information. Photogrammetry is an appropriate tool to capture
this data, particularly for large scale mapping, both in terms of
accuracy and economy.
Within this paper, a procedure will be described to achieve this
task in a consistent and economic way using Intergraph
MicroStation 5.0 software.
1.2 Data Structure of the German Cadastral Services
The user requirements, a modern multi-purpose cadastre has to
serve, can only be achieved by the use of modern technologies.
Since 1976, some research was undertaken in Germany by the
Surveying and Mapping Agencies of the Federal States and
some other Surveying and Cadastral agencies to establish the
‘Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte (ALK) - Automated
Cadastral Map“ [Richter (Edt.) 1993].
The result of these efforts is a seamless database containing
graphical and alpha-numerical data as well as a user interface,
a software called ALK-GIAP ('ALK-graphisch interaktiver
Arbeitsplatz’ - graphic interactive workstation”) and a data
exchange format called ‘Einheitliche Datenbankschnittstelle
(EDBS)' - ,unique database exchange format“.
The data structure is described to some extend in the
*Objektabbildungskatalog (OBAK)' - „object description
catalogue*, and the *Objektschlüsselkatalog (OSKA)' - ,object
key catalogue". The layout and symbolization of the maps is
given in the ‘Zeichenvorschrift Aut (ZV-Aut)’ - the
specification" [OBAK 1994, OSKA 1994, ZV-AUT 1994].
In general, the data are organized on a layer/object type
description, where features are divided in areas, lines and
points with no redundancy. This leads to the multiple-theme
2. Logical data structure of the ALK
The logical data structure of the geometric data is designed as
system independent structure. The layer oriented set-up allows
grouping of features, where for every type of feature a code
number (OSKA-code) is assigned. This organization
guarantees flexible handling and easy-to establish extension, if
new features have to be accommodated. Also, the task of ‘open
LIS’ can be achieved in this way. For this code lists have to be
designed for every application. Groups of layers are already
reserved for special applications.
The basic geometric elements are point, line and area. For line,
a set of geometric defined features is allowed:
line straight connection between two points
polygon chain of lines
curve interpolated polygon (spline)
arc part of a circle
clotoide special, mathematically defined curve
For specific features, an ‘Objekt’ - object is formed. This
combines geometric elements to one feature, based on a m:n
relationship, for the sake of easier manipulation and attaching
additional information.
However these are objects in the geometric sense; since the
data model 1s not fully object-oriented. It does not support
rules, inheritance, constrains and behavior of objects. This is
planned as extension to the data base in the future.
An ‘Objektname’ - , object name" is assigned to this objects,
containing additional information (e.g. for parcels the cadastral
division and sub-division, for houses the street name, house
number, etc.).
For every object - disregarding the type of geometry - an object
coordinate is stored for identification purposes and search
Another principle of the data structure is being free of
redundancy over the whole data set, which includes the use of
the multi-theme features. Figure 1 shows a cadastral parcel
765 with house number 44 , fence and a cadastral sub-division
boundary. The parcel boundary markers and relevant points are
numbered for reference. The lines 6-8 covers two themes -
parcel and cadastral sub-division boundary. The thick line
parallel servers as cartographic layout only. The lines 1-6 and
1-4 have only partly multi-theme meaning. The part 6-7 of the
line 1-6 is beside the parcel boundary also a fence. For 1-4 the
double meaning healds for the part 2-3 (building and parcel).
So multi-theme features can either be defined for complete
geometric elements or parts of them.
The definition of a part of a line with additional meaning is
done by introducing the ‘unechte Punkte’ - „virtual points“,
which have no influence on the geometry of the line, just
defining sub-divisions (points 2,3,7 in the example).
In order to adjust the logical data model of the ALK to the
needs of the individual cadastral administrations, each Federal
State has designed it’s own OSKA-code list.
The seamless ALK database does not store a map or graphics,
but only objects with their attributes and the spatial
relationship between objects. The realization (e.g. display,
plot) of the map (e.g. cartographic layout, hatching, etc.) is left
completely to the graphics software used.
The complex data structure of the ALK data model should be
supported by the graphics software used in a way, that the user
is not affected more than necessary in any stage of the work.
As much as possible, the software has to organize the required
data structure.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996