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Masataka TAKAGI and Ryosuke SHIBASAKI
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
7-22, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, JAPAN
E-mail mural1@shunji.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel. +81-3-3402-6231
Fax. +81-3-3479-2762
Commission IV, Working Group 4
Keywords: GIS, Geography, DEM/DTM, Interpolation, Contour line, Buffering
A continental DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is indispensable to solve global environmental
problems. For continental DEM generation, an interpolation method using contour map becomes very
helpful. We developed new reliable interpolation method which based on an intermediate contour line
derivation. The intermediate contour line can be drawn by using a buffering method. The buffering is a
very popular technique in GIS (Geographic Information System), which can be calculated distance from
any points, vectors or polygons. So, it can apply to intermediate contour line derivation
This paper presents a methodology of buffering method. And the results were compared with
existing methods. Items for comparison are elevation, inclination, aspect, stream pattern and slope
stability. The developed method gave the best results in all items.
A relationship between a contour interval and an accuracy of generated DEM was concluded. The
results showed a ratio of pixels of contour line in the whole raster map image must be more than 20%.
A continental DEM (Digital Elevation
Model) is indispensable to solve global
environmental problems. NGDC, NOAA offers
global land one-km base elevation (GLOBE). Its
current version 0.1 is covering about 60% of the
Earth's land surface. So, we must generate DEM
ourselves sometime.
Nowadays, there are many methods of DEM
generation such as a stereo-matching from aerial
photograph or satellite image, an interferemetry
from stereo SAR data and an interpolation of
topographic maps. For regional DEM or continental
DEM generation, the interpolation method using a
small scale contour map becomes very helpful.
However, almost existing methods of the
interpolation are intended for a large scale contour
map. A mall scale contour maps have some
Figure 1 Contour line map
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996