Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

ISPRS Intercommission WG III/IV (Conceptual 
aspects of GIS) and sponsored by the Japan 
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing(JSPRS). Limited number of copies of 
the proceedings with fourteen papers are 
available from the author. The second 
workshop, the International Workshop on 
Global Databases, was held at Boulder, 
Colorado, USA from May 30-31, 1995. In this 
workshop, thirty participants had fruitful 
discussions on important subjects for the 
development of better global database. 
Discussed subjects were: 
- Data requirement 
- Legend/categorizations 
- Accuracy/quality 
- Data availability, data access and dissemination 
- Map projection and data structure 
- Integration of national mapping activities into 
global monitoring systems & harmonization of 
ongoing global mapping projects 
The report of the workshop, the International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote 
Sensing Volume XXX, Part 4W1, is available 
from RICS Books. 
The survey of "National and Regional 
Geographic Data Bases" had unsatisfactory 
results because of no budget and insufficient 
personnel for the survey. Questionnaire was 
sent to all Ordinary Members of the ISPRS, and 
53 answers from 18 countries were received. 
The questionnaire is about national data of any 
remote sensing products, DEM, hydrological 
data, land use/cover data, soils/geological data, 
political data, roads data, population data, and 
their point of contact. Since this type of survey 
about existing geographic data is important, an 
authorized international body with enough 
budget and personnel must have a responsibility 
for such a survey. 
What should we do to develop truly useful 
global database? Table 1 shows problems which 
prevent to develop better global database and 
their measures. 
Some key environmental variables such as 
energy consumption, the volume of exhaust gas 
from factories and water volumes by irrigation 
are not exist as a global dataset. Many socio- 
economic data are lacking due to national 
sovereignty and technical difficulty of 
measurement. Researchers in many fields have 
to produce lacking datasets one by one. 
Most countries have land use data, and many 
projects survey local land use. However there is 
Table 1 Problems and their measures for a better global database 
Problems Measures 
- No data for some variables Data production Specific 
- No mechanism of integration of local data Establishment of new mechanism Common 
- Insufficient quality Improve information sources Specific 
- Unknown quality Evaluation and documentation of accuracy (Common 
- Insufficient metadata Standardization Common 
- Different classification system Harmonization & standardization Specific 
- Different map projection Standardization Common 
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Specific: problem for a specific global dataset 
Common: common problem for all global datasets 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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