components to correlate on. Image content is the single
most contributing factor to correlation success. Low
frequency areas will generally be correlated slower,
although the templates will automatically increase in size
until sufficient texture exists in the template to allow
correlation. The correlator will visit and attempt to height
every point in the DEM and if a correlation cannot be
accurately computed, then a height is interpolated. The
interpolation is performed by a weighted technique based
on radial distances of points in a neighbourhood.
Evidence has shown that collecting hierarchically from a
very coarse resolution through successively finer levels,
reduces the possibility of generating a false fix. By reducing
the scale of the imagery, changes in elevation are less
pronounced in image space, thus the effect of height
variations are minimised and searches over broad ranges
of elevation are quicker. Also correlations at reduced scales
tend to reduce the confusion between similar appearing
objects by locking into gross areas which include the
objects. The heights derived from each level are used as
an estimate for the next higher resolutiori collection level.
Central to generating an accurate DTM is the ability to edit
the computer generated model. This is required either
where man made features (with sharp edges) need to be
highlighted, cliff edges need to be added as 'breaklines' or
simply where the computer has failed to find suitable
matching points from which to generate a height.
Correlated points will be designated a 'quality figure' based
on a user-defined set of signal-to-noise ranges, as either
'good', 'fair or 'poor. Failed attempts at correlation are
labeled as ‘interpolated’ and are all rankings are made
available to the operator to give assistance for the editing
Whilst the automated collection will generate heights based
on statistical correlations, it is important for the sake of
ensuring accuracy that the height values can be validated
by the operator. The software displays all the points at their
correlated positions in a stereo view, colour coded to allow
a rapid visual inspection of the whole model.
The editing tools provide an interactive method of modifying
the height of points deemed to be in error by the operator.
In this way, the resulting DEM has both a statistical
statement of accuracy and one that has also been verified
by an operator using their skill and judgment. As the
accuracy of the correlation is dependent on the accuracy
with which the stereo geometry was computed, the
software provides a full summary of all mathematical
calculations including standard deviations for all final
computations of camera positions and attitude.
As well as being used in a range of military and commercial
spatial analysis applications, the terrain database can be
used to generate additional products, such as orthoimages.
These are images that have been corrected for
displacements due to relief variation and sensor
imperfection. In any imaging system, each imaged point will
have a particular perspective geometry and in order to view
each pixel in an orthogonal projection (i.e. from a nadir
view, as if each pixel were being viewed from directly
above) the effects of terrain have to be removed. The DTM
is used to model the relief variation present in the image
and each pixel in the raw image is resampled into an
orthogonal projection which the user can define.
The orthoimage is vital, especially if perspective views are
to be rendered for mission planning or visualization as this
will ensure that all features are in their true position with
respect to the underlying elevation model and curious
effects such as rivers flowing uphill can be avoided! It is
also vital for use an highly accurate, up to date base map
for commercial applications, including database updating.
Uses with GIS applications can be divided into two primary
types; those requiring height information (the DTM) or a
derivative (slope, aspect) and those requiring high precision
base maps (the orthoimage), either for backdrops or as a
source of vector data.
Many spatial modelling applications, such as site location
and route planning require height derived "layers" as part of
the process. For example, where new housing
development projects are being planned, using soil type
combined with slope can show areas where land slippage
may occur. In route planning in military applications, slope
again is important as certain vehicles may only be able to
negotiate low angle slopes. One area where aspect (i.e.
south facing, north facing etc.) is important is in vineyard
location - it is important that vines are planted at the
optimum location to produce the best quality grapes!
DTMs can also be used in visualisation, specifically in
environmental and military applications. The siting of new
facilities can first of all be generated using the spatial
analysis described above. The proposed site could then be
viewed in 3D, with the facility "added' to the DTM, either by
adding a polygon of the appropriate value or "height" in
mono view or by accurately adding the height of the facility
in stereo. This enables the user to check on its visibility
from surrounding areas. Viewshed analysis can also be
used in the opposite sense to show if your own location can
be seen from other areas for the purposes of concealment.
Orthoimages, as described above, provide the most
accurate (and up to date!) base maps of all. Many natural
resource management applications now simply use a
symbolised base map instead of a complex vector based
map. The old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words"
could easily be changed to " a pixel is worth a thousand
vectors" in this instance! However, the largest demand for
orthoimages lies in the data provision aspect of GIS.
An orthoimage can be used for generating vector map and
other measurement information directly from the computer
screen. In the past this has to be done by the
photogrammetrist on an analytical stereo plotter using
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996
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