Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 5: Map before (top) and after field completion. | 
resulting coordinates and the rest of the information 
that has been gathered. Geometric relations can be 
applied at this stage or as a part of the computation 
for the connection to the existing maps. 
This paper contains only a brief sketch of the contents 
of the parts on photogrammetry and quality assurance 
of the new manual for the technical activities of the 
cadastral agency of The Netherlands. The standards 
and guidelines for new aspects of photogrammetric 
mapping in The Netherlands have been emphasized, 
e.g. the use of digital photogrammetry and mono- 
plotting for map revision. 
Applying mono-plotting one should be aware of the 
effects of height differences on the position of the 
features in the map, even in a flat-looking country like 
The Netherlands. 
The possibilities of a smaller photo scale (currently a 
factor 3 between map and photo scale is adopted) 
needs further investigation. With the current contents 
and precision requirements for the large-scale base 
map, image interpretation is the limiting factor for the 
photo scale. 
ASPRS, 1995. Draft aerial photography standard. 
PE&RS, Vol.LXI, No.9, pp. 1097-1103. 
Baarda, W., 1968. A testing procedure for use in 
geodetic networks. NGC-publications on geodesy, 
Vol.2, No. 5, Delft 
Burman, H., Torlegard, K., 1995. Empirical results of 
GPS-supported block triangulation. OEEPE publication 
Cadastral agency of The Netherlands, 1996. Manual 
for the technical activities of the cadastral agency. (in 
Koen, L.A., 1995. The OEEPE and Standardization. 
Newsletter OEEPE No.2. 
Mulder, K. et.al., 1994. Proef Nijeveen - Alternatieve 
vervaardigingswijze voor een GBKN. NGT Geodesia, 
94-12 pp. 518-521. (in Dutch) 
Osch, G.M. van, 1991. Cadastral LIS in The Nether- 
lands. Proceedings of the OEEPE-workshop on data 
quality in land information systems. OEEPE official 
publication No.28, pp. 71-90. 
Salzmann, M., 1995. General aspects of large-scale 
mapping. Proceedings of the workshop on large-scale 
mapping. Proceedings JEC-GI, The Hague, March 26- 
Salzmann, M., 1996. A unified approach to geometric 
quality assurance of cadastral mapping in The Nether- 
lands. Proceedings JEC-GI, Barcelona, March 27-29 
Timmerman, J., et.al., 1982. On the accuracy of pho- 
togrammetric measurements of buildings. OEEPE publi- 
cation No.13. 
The cadastral agency of The Netherlands is gratefully 
acknowledged for providing the opportunity to present 
this paper at the XVIII Congress of the ISPRS. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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