Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

have been investigated and the results which have been 
All the DEMs used in Tables 1 to 3 have been produced 
on a 5m grid interval using the red colour band. 
Automatically generated DEMs can be produced on 
either the red, green or blue bands. Normally the red 
band is considered to produce the best results. 
Breaklines have also been digitised along the top and 
bottom of the cliff for the six DEMs produced on the 
ImageStation (is01-is06). At present, it is not possible to 
digitise breaklines using the ERDAS software. 
Both systems contain a comprehensive list of DEM 
parameter settings which can be varied. The ERDAS 
software contains 16 settings, while the ImageStation 
has 28. Initial research into the production of automatic 
DEM generation has concentrated on what are thought to 
be the more influential parameter settings. 
4.1 The DEM Parameter Settings 
The ImageStation MATCH-T software generates the DEM 
points essentially from feature mapping. |t identifies a 
large number of individual image feature points that are 
used for the subsequent derivation of the terrain surface 
points. The ERDAS automatic DEM algorithm is 
classified as an area correlator in which patches of pixels 
from one image are correlated during the matching 
process with conjugate patches on the other. The 
primary correlation measure takes into account overall 
differences in tonal contrast between the image patches. 
The three ImageStation terrain setting options, flat, hilly 
or mountainous can be influenced by a smoothing filter 
which can be set at either high, medium or low. The 
ERDAS DEMs have been varied using just three 
parameters, namely the minimum and maximum 
template sizes and the maximum parallax value. 
Thus, the template size refers to the dimensions, in 
pixels, of the correlation template. The software begins 
each correlation for an area using the minimum template 
size. If a successful correlation is not reached, then the 
next larger size template is used and another attempt is 
made. This is repeated until a match is made or until the 
maximum template size is reached, in which case the 
correlation attempts for the area are abandoned. The 
template sizes are normally considered as dependant on 
the image quality and content. In this coastal zone, the 
cliff top is mainly low, undulating relief of green furrowed 
fields. The beach area is essentially composed of fine 
sand and small pebbles. In both cases, one area looks 
almost identical to another i.e. low relief and low image 
The maximum parallax parameter is a function of the 
elevation range in the model area. Each time a DEM 
correlation is performed, the algorithm allows the search 
area to be expanded above and below the predicted 
elevation of a point by this amount. 
Larger values of maximum parallax will search over 
greater elevation ranges and smaller values often miss 
points due to not finding the elevation within the more 
restricted range. Separating the cliff top and the beach, 
at Easington, is a cliff line approximately 17m to 22m in 
height, which is high in image content, showing good 
variations in tone and texture. Thus, an optimum 
parallax value has to be obtained which allows for the 
best modelling of the steep cliff face and the flatter areas 
on the beach and cliff top. 
4.2 Analysis of Results 
The results in Tables 1 to 3 consider 9084 grid points 
covering the beach, cliff, and cliff top. The ImageStation 
settings used are shown in Table 1. A comparison 
between flat, hilly and mountainous settings using a low 
smoothing filter shows that the hilly setting is producing 
slightly better results than the flat setting which is 
producing better results than the mountainous setting. 
This is particularly shown by the percentage of points for 
the range +0.2m and the higher percentage of points 
within the lower range, +0.05m for the hilly setting. The 
hilly setting can also be compared with the flat setting for 
a medium filter and again the hilly setting would be 
considered better. 
Looking at the effects of the smoothing filter, considering 
the flat terrain setting where there are high, medium and 
low filter results, shows the high filter producing results 
perhaps just slightly better than the medium filter and 
both are better than the low filter. Similarly for the hilly 
settings the medium filter is producing the best results. 
So the best settings for this model are the hilly, medium 
filter settings. Possibly the best results might have been 
achieved with a hilly, high filter setting. 
If these results are compared with the theoretical values 
calculated in section 3, the theoretical flat and hilly 
values are probably somewhat optimistic. The 
theoretical value for the mountainous setting would 
perhaps be more appropriate for these two settings. 
Terrain Flat Hilly Mts 
Smoothing | High | Med | Low | Med | Low | Low 
Range (m) | is01 | is02 | is03 | is04 | is05 | is06 
Under -0.20 7851 681 81 5.6 48.1 9.5 
-0.20>-0.15 281 32| 40! 32} 40) 329 
-0.15>-0.10 48].5.4] 591|l 56l 60] 55 
-0.10>-0.05 88) 8241.78 821.76] 7.3 
-0.05> 0.00 10.6 | 10.81...8.6 |. 10.81. .8.7 |. 8.7 
0.00<+0.05 14.1].14.5 9.9 
0.05<+0.10 | 10.9 | 11.1 | 10.0 | 10.6 | 10.4 | 9.2 
0.10<+0.15 10.0; 10.0] 9.3| 10.4] 9.4] 8.9 
0.15<+0.20 9.1 931190 92] 86. 80 
Over 40.20 | 24.1 | 24.5 | 26.3| 24.9 | 26.8 | 29.0 
10.05 21.7.| 21.5.] 18.5 ] 22.3 | 19.0 |. 18.6 
10.10 41.4 | 40.8 | 36.3 | 41.4 | 37.0 | 35.1 
+0.15 56.2 | 56.2 | 49.6 | 57.4 | 52.4 | 49.5 
+0.20 68.1 | 68.7 | 64.6 | 69.5 ] 65.1] 61.5 
Under -0.20 78 681 9.1 56] 81 9.5 
Over 40.20 | 24.1 | 24.5 | 26.3 | 24.9 | 26.8 | 29.0 
Table 1 ImageStation DEM Comparison Statistics 
(96 of points) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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