Produced map information are disorganized,
There is no archive for all produced maps,
Duplication of mapping can not be prevented,
Main geodetic networks can not be used for large
scale mapping,
There is no consistency between the maps,
e There are different regulations and rules to produce
e There is no long term plan for the production of
4.3. Educational problems
These are encountered basically in the terminology of the
technology and in showing the basic benefits of the map
and land information. There is going to be an increasing
gap between the need for qualified staff in agencies
which have acquired a GIS and the ability of the
educational system to provide them. Again this stems
partly from the lack of central planning in the educational
system and the level of autonomy enjoyed by most
educational institutions.
4.4. Technological problems
GIS is a highly attractive technology and suffers from the
problems of all such technologies. It has repeatedly
been wrongly sold as a solution in response to needs
which were poorly defined or not defined at all, and to
clients who did not really understand its capabilities or
limitations. Many failures have resulted from the
acquisition of the wrong type of system because of poor
advice or lack of advice. The success of technology is in
many ways dependent on the availability of good advice,
through either public or private sectors (Seker and Altan,
e One of the main problems encountered was having
to work with poor quality, out dated sheet copies
because of bureaucratic hindrances. Although the
available sheets not being at same scale seemed to
pose a problem in the beginning, this in effect was
not a problem.
e The obtained data was not updated. Some of the
parcel owners were registered to dead people
because of inheritance problems.
e There is no data standards, for example used maps
were in the different scales. Although the available
sheets not being at same scale seemed to pose a
problem in the beginning, this in effect is not a
e One of the limitations of PC Arc/Info, is you can add
only one attribute to the related items, whereas most
of the real estate has been owned by more than one
* There are no elevations (contour lines) on the map,
so it is not possible to obtain a three dimensional
view. (Also the polygon points that can be used for
coordinate transformations from the geodetic nets
do not have elevation values).
e The purposes of the institution and expectation from
the land management are should clearly explained.
e The purposes of the institution, and expectation from
the land management, should clearly be explained,
e The data model has not been criticized by the
different group of the people, who produce maps.
e People who lives in the related real estate do not
want to give true information so not to pay more tax,
By means of this useful tool a number of benefits can be
utilized. For example; reduces duplication of effort in
order to reduce cost, increases efficiency in daily
operations, increases management control, provides
information for decision support and policy making and
saves time, man power and time.
Accurate/available land information is the key to
managing and processing developments in the rural
areas of Turkey.
Due to lack of standardization, unnecessary data in the
system, therefore unnecessary work will increase. The
standards to be established, will not guarantee the
efficient exchange of spatial data. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish a central unit which will introduce
the regulations for the purpose of allowing data exchange
and assume tasks such as providing the system security.
It can be seen that the basic solution to prevent
confusion in the map field is; the implementation of both
"an information system with definite and determinate
purposes” and "an institution responsible for all of the
map and cadastre services in the country”.
Goals have to be predicted according to the sources.
Many failures can be occurred because of the inadequate
resources and exaggerated goals
A primary benefit of a GIS lies in the new capabilities
which it introduces, rather than in the ways in which it
allows old tasks to be done more efficiently or more
cheaply. A GIS requires strong and consistent motivation
on the part of all users.
A successful program in GIS at the national scale would
seem to need the coordination of some efforts among
are; a set of valid application, set of active vendors,
research and development and a substantial source of
expertise which is independent of vendors and acquiring
The educational sector, which will provide the trained
personnel to run systems, conduct basic research, staff
the vendors and train future generations.
+ As far as possible, data entries should be carried out
in GIS media. Geographical data application results
obtained from the other media have been found
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996
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