AGES The detail of the CCD camera and the components of the where, these ground coordinates are opposite the
video theodolite system are shown in table 1. Figure 2 telescope coordinate system in figure 5 and H, is
shows the configuration of this system. measured counterclockwise.
{uman motion
field of sports training or
juences, there are two
stric camera orientation
jnition of human feature
dure with regard to the
| been concentrating on
system consisting of a
ideo recorder where the
e determined in real time
he current values of the
then continuously
3s and thus recorded as
and Murai, 1994).
developed a motorized
e 1) in association with
developed based on
ition), and main feature
- cameras. The current
tical and horizontal) and
/ superimposed on the
er one in figure 1 and is
he target through the
"one and is used as a
lite (MET2NV)
enna 1996
Table 1. Video theodolite system
Theodlite MET2NV (Sokkia, accuracy x 2^ )
Camera | ccpg.GCs (Sony, 510H x492V) | EVI-310 (Sony, 768H x494V)
Lens 1-300mm 125.9 —47.2mm
A/D FRM-512 (Photron,12.28Mhz)
Convert er
Video PVM-1454Q (Sony)
Monitor HR-SC1000 (Victor)
TV Monitor
Image Processing
Figure 2. System configuration
In order to confirm the relationship between the rotation
parameters ( o , ¢ ) and the reading angles (zenith,
horizontal) of the video theodolite, the following
experiments were performed using a target field (Figure
3). These targets were prepared to check the accuracy.
Test field A means orientation image for camera
calibration and B and C mean sequential image when
video theodolite is rotated.
Camera calibration was performed with 9 control points
which were produced in the following steps in figure 4.
When the telescope is pointing to P, point under the
condition that the distance is D from the center of the
video theodolite to P,, Horizontal angle H, and vertical
angle V,, the image point to P, is taken as p, on the
image. Next, when the video theodolite is rotated H angle,
the image point to P, is taken as p,, and the object
position to image point p, becomes P,. Similarly, when
the video theodolite is rotated V angle, the image point to
P,is taken as p,, the object to p, becomes P,. Repeating
this operation, control points are taken on the image and
are produced in the space respectively. Ground
coordinates for these control points are calculated with
the following equation,
X z - D cosVg sin(H; - Ho)
Ye D (cos V; sinVo - sinV; cos Vo cos(H; - Ho) (1)
Zz 0 [sinv, sinVg 4 cos V; cos Vg cos(Hi; - Ho))
Figure 3. Test field
ot PE ua
em 2
Figure 5. Coordinate system
X* Y* Z*; theodolite coord. system
X,Y,Z ; telescope coord. system
X,y,Z ; camera coord. system
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996