gets is between
ie light for larger
get center
ptical axis.
arget plane
pb p HEE
alpha (gon)
iene 92m / 5mm
tM 5mj1qmm
———— Sm / mm
— 5m '/ 20mm
—— 2m 7 OMIM
— 2i / 6mm
2m / 20mm
Figure 6: Estimation of offset for a 25 mm lens and a maximum image radius of 18mm.
5 Influence on photogrammetric bundle adjustment
With the help of a simulation it will be shown which
parameters of the bundle adjustment are influenced if the target
is oversized.
The simulated network consist out of 20 images from 5
locations (Fig. 7). The object was designed with 51 spatially
distributed object points. Targets are located in three different
distances ( 25 points app. 4.6m, 25 points 2.6m, 1 point 1.6m).
For the simulation parameters of a large format film camera
/Dold and Suilmann 1991/ were used. This camera has an
image format of 230mm x 230mm, a focal distance of 165mm
and a typical image measurement accuracy of about 1 micron.
For the simulation the target diameter was chosen in this way,
that the offset in the convergent images from location 1 to 4
were up to 5 microns (Fig. 8a). As explained above, no offset
influences the images from location 5 because the image plane
is parallel to the plane of targets (Fig 8b). With these offsets
the true image coordinates were changed before they were used
as an input for the bundle triangulation. Two different versions
of bundle triangulation were calculated. Version 1 uses a free
network adjustment without simultaneous camera calibration
and version 2 uses a free network adjustment with
simultaneous camera calibration.
The result of both bundle triangulations show that the
simulated offset will only slightly influence the residuals of
image coordinates. The residuals of image coordinates are 10
times smaller (less than 0.5 microns) than the simulated offset
(Fig 9a, 10a).
In cases with no simultaneous camera calibration the offset
influences not only the parameters of exterior orientation
(location and orientation of camera) but also the object
coordinates (app. 20 microns deviation to nominal values Fig.
9c and 10c ). In cases with simultaneous camera calibration the
offset influences also the camera parameters. Thus the
influence on the object coordinates becomes smaller (app. 10
microns). Remarkable is, that the influence of the offset is
mainly compensated by the exterior orientation parameters
(app. 8096) (Fig. 9b, 10b). Figure 9b and 10b show the
deviation between the true target centers and those target
centers which are the result of the projection of the target
centers in object space into the image by using the changed
exterior orientation parameters which were calculated by the
bundle triangulation of version 1 (Fig. 9b) respectivly version
2 (Fig. 10b).
It is dangerous is that the systematic offset is not clearly visible
from the residuals of image coordinates but all other
parameters of the bundle triangulation change. The influence
on the exterior orientation is not critical, but the influence on
the camera parameters is especially dangerous in those cases in
which the camera parameters were determined in a calibration
network and will be than fixed for using in a different network.
location 2
location 1 i TT
ETT location 5 | a-30
a=30 = :
- : location 3
location 4 i i
Figure 7: Photogrammetric network. On each location four
images were taken (rolled by 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°
around the optical axis)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996