corresponding elements of the coefficient vector as
We Ha cn (16)
Each observation vector is rotated through U, row by row
until each of its elements is transformed to zero. The
additional element Q of the right hand side d vector
maintains the root residual sum of squares and is
updated with Givens Transformations along with U and d.
The alternative square root free implementation of
Givens Transformations used in this study involves
finding a diagonal matrix D and a unit upper triangular
matrix U such that
U= DU (17)
A row of the product D?U is rotated with a scaled row of
A (Gentleman, 1973),
gea — das
0-- 03a, = YBa, +
where d is the diagonal element of the matrix D and ô is
the scale factor for the coefficient vector, initially set to
one. After one rotation, the newly transformed rows are
Q3, . s au
099. ond JET a9)
d’ =d+0a’
3’ =dB/d’
€ » d/d'
$26, /d.
^ —
RS ——
Weighted least-squares is simplified with this method by
initialising the scale factor 5 to the weight instead of to
one. Introducing an observation several times with
various positive and negative weights is equivalent to
introducing it once with the sum of the weights. Thus an
observation can be removed by reintroducing it with the
negative of its original weight.
In this section important concerns in OLT with respect to
close-range, convergent photogrammetry are highlighted.
These include system response time, approximate
values, compensation for systematic errors, blunder
detection, and appropriate datum.
3.1 System Response Time
Response time is critical in on-line VM applications and
particularly so in the industrial environment where
inspection costs are directly influenced by the extent of
site disruption. Although significant, improvements in
computer hardware should not curb the search for
efficient algorithmic solutions. Sequential techniques
such as Givens Transformations improve response time
but efficiency is also affected by the size of the system
which is in turn dependent on the number of active
Ignoring self-calibration, phototriangulation involves six
exterior orientation parameters for each photo and three
coordinate parameters for each object point. Consider a
system involving m photos and n object points. In the
standard formulation of the bundle adjustment, object
point parameters are eliminated, leaving a 6m x 6m
system of orientation parameters. In aerial
photogrammetry, this system is still too large to yield
permissible OLT response times. The normal case
geometry of the aerial network permits the use of sub-
blocks of photos in the on-line procedure. The sub-block
must be of sufficient size to provide reliability and yet be
small enough to yield adequate response times. Gruen
(1981) recommended the use of a 3 x 3 sub-block of
photos with both 60% overlap and sidelap.
The irregularity of convergent, close-range networks does
not offer such a straightforward answer to effectively deal
with system size. While image sensor parameters are
less than point parameters (6m < 3n), the elimination of
point parameters is the optimum solution. The typical
inspection for a single-sensor VM system will likely
involve only 50-100 points. As previously mentioned
however, a sizeable number of exposures may be needed
to achieve a desired level of accuracy. Using a 50 point
inspection as an example, as we collect in excess of 25
exposures, the number of sensor parameters begins to
exceed the number of point parameters. From this point
on, a reversal of the standard bundle in which photo
parameters are eliminated will certainly provide a faster
response. This approach would also be useful for the
standard simultaneous adjustment. The incorporation of
inner constraints for a free-net adjustment and the use of
additional parameters for self-calibration may also be
simplified. The most efficient solution is to incorporate
both elimination techniques into the OLT procedure. It is
little effort to compare the current number of sensor and
point parameters to determine which to eliminate.
Efficiency is also enhanced through the exploitation of
the sparsity patterns of the reduced normal equation
system. A special matrix storage technique described in
Gruen (1982) for the Triangular Factor Update and also
utilised by Runge (1987) for standard Givens
Transformations is modified here to accommodate the
elimination of image sensor parameters as discussed
above. This technique, when combined with Givens,
facilitates the direct updating of the reduced normal
equations. A representative example for six object points
is shown in Figure 2.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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3.2 Approxim
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Figure 2: Re
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