Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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[3mm/ 0.19] 
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[4mm/ 0.19] 
Models suitable for virtual environments differ from those 
designed for other graphical environments, such as CAD 
systems (Phillips-Mahoney, 1995). The main constraints 
are the real-time requirement and how fast the rendering 
engine is capable of producing an image on the display. 
These constraints will decide on the maximum number of 
polygons in the model, thus the level of details that can be 
handled. The model must also include information on object 
behavior (response to user action), a script, the hierarchical 
relationship between objects, and other attributes such as 
texture and sound. The model must also include a multi- 
resolution hierarchical representation of all its components. 
For example, when objects are further than a given distance 
from the user, it is sufficient to display them at a decreased 
resolution up to a distance where the objects are not 
displayed at all. Figure 2 shows the elements of a virtual- 
world data base (model) and how this model relates to the 
other processing components of the system. 
max number of polygons for 
graphic engine to get > 20Hz 
Take inputs from: 
Trackers, mouse, 
keyboard, voice. 
* Objects and environment 
geometric data (at differen 
resolution). - — .— Zl. cM. 
* Hierarchy (parent, child, 
* Bounding volume(s). 
* Script describing action t 
objects(object behaviour). 
* Lighting (shading.) 
* Viewing points. 
* Program controls / User 
* Hardware device support 
(ports for devices, logical 
connections ,..). 
akes inputs, 
objects, script, 
imulates physica 
laws. Outputs the 
; world status. 
Select resolution — akes world 
Remove far objects — 
Add texture, lighting — 
(Real Time Display Update ) 
Figure 2: Software for VE: Models and Processes 
1.2. Sensors for Creating the VE World 
Since VE interacts with 3-D environments, relaying on video 
images to generate a full non-structured environment is 
usually not sufficient to capture all surfaces and features. 
Sensors that directly produce 3-D images are better suited for 
the creation of the geometric model. However, video images 
are useful for adding texture (Haeberli and Segal, 1993.) In 
addition, photogrammetric techniques can give accurate 
coordinates for certain features and assist in the registration 
of the 3-D images generated by laser range cameras. 
The construction of most environment models will likely 
require a large number of views, due to the limited field of 
view of sensors as well as the complexity of the scene itself. 
Each view taken with a range camera provides an ordered set 
of 3D points in a camera-centered Cartesian coordinate 
system. In order to reconstruct the model, the rigid 
transformation linking the different views to a common 
Cartesian coordinate system must be recovered. This process 
is known as registration. The position and orientation of the 
camera at each acquisition station could be accurately 
measured with extrinsic means (such as inertial systems), 
which are costly and may be impractical, or by intrinsic 
means from the data itself. 
1.3. Tracking in VE 
Photogrammetry, when performed in real time, can be used 
for tracking the position of the viewer's head and hands. 
Currently, tracking is based on magnetometer sensors, 
ultrasonic sensors, or mechanical devices. The first loses 
accuracy in the presence of conductive metals and, to a lesser 
extent, stainless steel, and the second is affected by 
interference sound sources which make these technologies 
not suitable for applications in some environments such as 
factory floors. The mechanical devices are bulky and not 
convenient for most applications. The current accuracy 
levels of these sensors and devices are 3 - 4 mm in position 
and 0.19 in orientation and get worse as the distance or noise 
/ interference signal level increases. 
1.4. Objectives and Scope of the Paper 
Creating VE models from laser range cameras is the main 
objective of this paper. Another objective is to explore the 
potential of photogrammetry for this emerging technology. 
The paper deals only with the visual part of VE. It does not 
get into other senses such as hearing and sensation of force. 
We first describe two laser range cameras developed at the 
National Research Council of Canada which are useful for 
creating 3-D environment models. Then, two important 
issues are addressed; the calibration of the sensors in order to 
produce accurate data, and the registration of multiple views 
in order to arrive at one unique model of the environment and 
objects. The paper then describes the use of photogrammetry 
for head tracking followed by a description of the VE facility 
at our laboratory and finally some concluding remarks. 
Range cameras based on structured light can generate 
complete image data of visible surfaces that are rather 
featureless to the human eye or a video camera. Among the 
advantages of using a laser source one finds larger depth of 
fields, compared with what is achievable with incoherent 
light, and better ambient light rejection for accurate 
2.1. The Autosynchronized Laser Scanner 
In the basic geometrical principle of optical triangulation, 
the light beam generated by the laser is deflected by a mirror 
and scanned on the object. A camera, composed of a lens and 
a position sensitive photodetector, measures the location of 
the image of the illuminated point on the object. The X, Z 
coordinates of the illuminated point on the object are 
calculated by simple trigonometry . The error in the estimate 
of Z is inversely proportional to both the separation 
between the laser and the position detector and the effective 
focal length of the lens, but directly proportional to the 
square of the distance. Unfortunately, the separation cannot 
be made as large as desired. It is limited mainly by the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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