Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

It refreshes its digits every 1/100s, and could be used as 
a code of the sequence. As an auxiliary method, the 
frame advance function of the VCR can also be used for 
that purpose provided a significant starting point was 
identified in each image. 
5-1. Radiometric & Geometric Characteristics 
Radiometric Characteristics: As Curry et al(1986) 
have noted, radiometric criteria include sensor response 
linearity, system noise, and system stability over time. 
System noise is defined as fluctuations in pixel gray 
levels caused by random and systematic perturbations in 
the CCD sensor and A/D converter. Systematic noise is 
seen as a repeated spurious response by the sensor 
element. For detecting the system noise of the cameras 
used, dark images were captured by running the camera 
in the dark(lens cap on) and measuring the output for 
each pixel. When the gray value of a pixel exceeded 3 
times the standard deviation from the mean of the 
image, it was assumed to be a blemished pixel. Fig. 2 
shows the results. In Fig. 2(A), black spots mean too low 
gray values, and white spots mean too high gray values. 
We found that every dark image of a video camera at an 
instance has some noise, but the position of noise pixels 
changes with time, and rarely fell on the same pixel 
position in different images. Moreover, the image of white 
paper doesn’t show the noise pixel. In Fig. 2(B), two 
groups of black spots on the lower corner of each side 
are caused by unbalanced illumination, not noise. In this 
context, the images of the video cameras don't have 
serious intrinsic noise that should be corrected before 
target location determination. 
Fig. 2. Noise Pixels of Dark and White Image 
Generally, shutter speed influences the image quality. In 
order to investigate the influences, a rectangular window 
consisting of 25*20 pixels was picked out from the black 
target area, and another same size window was picked 
out from the white background area . The test images of 
target and background were captured under indoor 
florescent light and outdoor sun shine at different shutter 
speeds, then the ranges of gray values for each window 
were collected, and plotted in Fig. 3. The images 
captured outdoors show uniform ranges of gray values in 
spite of varying shutter speed, but the gray values of 
images captured indoors changed with the shutter speed. 
The sensitivity of the sensor gradually decreased when 
the shutter speed increased. Therefore, when 
photographing indoors with short exposure times(e.g. 
less than 1/2000s), we should provide enough 
illumination according to the surrounding conditions. 
Geometric Characteristics: Compared to metric 
cameras, non-metric cameras’ lenses are designed for 
high resolution at the expense of geometric quality. 
Interior orientation parameters lack stability, and there 
are no fiducial marks. In addition to the above 
disadvantages, the size of unit pixels of video images 
changes in the course of digitizing, and the scale changes 
with the display format. We only have approximate data 
for the object distance, focal length, and pixel size of the 
video images. We therefore derived lens distortion 
based on some approximations. The horizontal and 
vertical pixel sizes of the CCD were deduced from 
dividing the length of each side by the total number of 
pixels in the corresponding direction. As seen in Fig. 4(A), 
the camera has different distortions in vertical, horizontal, 
and diagonal directions. This means it has radial and 
decentering distortions. But, it is hard to estimate the 
amounts of distortion. We derived another lens 
distortion curve showing typical radial distortions by using 
the calibrated focal length and adjusting the pixel 
sizes(Fig. 4(B)) The maximum distortion was 3.5um, 
which is quite acceptable. 
Black/White Gray Value with Shutter Speed 
250 Os-wntel 
32 OS-WhiteH 
$150 8 8 8 8 9 g 8 8 8 0 
g00 B WF Black, 
e n 9 ü 8 ü e B 8 ü e ü 0 i BF -BlackH 
3 es oË ont 
8 2 OF-Lignt-H 
Shutter Speed(Sec) 
Fig. 3. Change of Gray Value with Shutter Speed 
Lens Distortions(Camera:H-33) 
E 00 |... 2. sire tee aree 
HE e A e Verica 
s 006 ]--------- ic RR ReÓMeeeMell3edÉe..-- Directioion 
5 a te A tte. & 3 À tait 8 n B Horizontal 
6 u a Direction 
ë 0024-9 MMmMm$MMMeee ADiagonal 
0 a Direction 
- - o = - 
: ? o = e 
Radial Distances (mm) 
Lens Distortions 
@ Vertical 
8 Horizontal 
A Diagonal 
Distortions (mm) 
Radial Distances (mm) 
Fig. 4. Lens Distortions(Camera: H-33) 
Response to Moving Objects: We expected no friction 
when the target board was falling through the stand, but 
the images show that was not quite the case. The target 
plate shown in Fig. 5 fell from 40cm height above the 
optical axis. Theoretically the speed should be 2.8m/s, 
but its actual speed was about 1.7m/s. The image blur 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
was improved 
during exposul 
3in(C):. Am 
(C). Vicek(19 
during the ex; 
clear image. A 
expect that r 
provide a clea 
motion, a shor 
(A) Shutter 1/1 
s st | "ER 
(C) Shutter 1/7 
Fig. 5. Falling 
5-2 Dynamic 
Source Sequt 
left and right 
installed frarr 
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rear of the car 
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This image 
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no significant 
VHS and VHS 
recorded by S 
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VCR. Image « 
Were processe 
Sub-Pixel Tz 
coordinates c 
e Noise ren

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