Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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1.ISPR Journal 
oigne (Trad.) 
Traduction de 
Dunod, 1991. 
in par Philippe 
ommission V, 
um d Arles) 
Peggy Freudenreich, Dipl.-Ing,Fachhochschule Bielefeld, 
Fachbereich Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen, Germany 
Commission V, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS : Architecture, Visualization, CAD, Image, Graphics 
Aim of this paper is the description of a procedure to generate from 3D photogrammetric measurements a 3D 
geometric CAD model which fulfils the requirements to hidden-line and rendering functions. The building is 
recorded with a technique known as multi image photogrammetry using a Rolleiflex 3003 metric réseau camera. 
Image orientation is performed with a bundle adjustment program supported by control points. In addition to the 
geometric model a light model has to be defined and material assignment is necessary as well to present the 
building in a photorealistic shape. RolleiMetric MR2, AutoCAD and AccuRender software packages were used to 
produce the photorealistic presentation of the Palais Grand Ducal in Luxembourg. 
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Vorgehensweise zur Erstellung eines 3D-CAD-Modells aus photogrammetrischen 
MeRwerten. Das Modell wird zum Zweck der Visualisierung erstellt und erfüllt die Anforderungen an Verdek- 
kungsalgorithmen. MIt dem Verfahren der Mehrbildphotogrammetrie erfolgt die Aufnahme des Gebáudes unter 
Benutzung einer Rolleiflex 3003 metric Réseaukamera. Die Orientierung des Bildverbandes erfolgt mittels 
Bündelausgleichung unter Benutzung von terrestrich bestimmten Paf$punkten. Zur Erzeugung photorealistischer 
Darstellungen ist neben dem geometrischen Modell ein Licht- und Materialmodell zu definieren. Anwendung 
fanden die Softwareprodukte RolleiMetric MR2, AutoCAD und AccuRender. 
The Palais Grand Ducale in Luxembourg stands as a 
symbol for history of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 
Built from 1572 until 1574 in the art of Spain late 
renaissance and continued 1741 in baroque style, this 
building had to survive several sieges in four centuries 
and later became one of the biggest castles in Europe. 
Today, the palais is used as the ofiice for the Grand 
Duke and for representation purposes for international 
meetings. As the lime stone was destroyed for envi- 
ronmental reasons, the palais and the chamber of 
deputies were renovated between 1994 and 1995. In 
those years Luxembourg was capital of cultural herita- 
ge. For this reason and for archiving purposes, the 
engineering company Kneip & Ass. in Luxembourg 
received from the city of Luxembourg the order to 
produce two-dimensional drawings of the facades 
scaled 1 by 100. 
Depending of the local situation and limited access, 
the procedure of multi image photogrammetry using a 
Rolleiflex 3003 metric 35 mm réseau-camera and the 
RolleiMetric MR2 software package was selected. 
From the final two-dimensional drawings and the 
three-dimensional photogrammetric measurement 
results a 3D-model was produced with the AutoCAD 
release 12 drawing editor. The geometric model then 
is presented wit the rendering program AccuRender 
release 2.0, a software that is working complete inside 
the AutoCAD drawing editor. 
Approximately 140 photos were taken with a Rolleiflex 
3003 metric réseau camera using different lenses 
from 18 up to 60 mm. Image scale varies from 1: 10 
for details up to 1:100 for overview purposes. The 
recording procedure in multi-image photogrammetry is 
to cover the object with a bundle of images from 
different photo positions. Figure 1 shows some of 
those photo positions and part of the palais. The 
photos have to be taken with a metric camera. By 
metric camera we mean that the position of the projec- 
tion center relative to the image area is known. Para- 
meters of lens distortion must be known by calibration. 
The Rolleiflex réseau cameras represent such a kind 
of recording equipment. Orientation of the image 
bundle was supported by several natural control points 
measured with an accuracy in the range of one centi- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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