Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

In studying the network design strate;ies of experts, it was 
identified that they employ heuristic knowledge and appear to 
use generic networks to overcome the complexity of the sensor 
station placement task (Mason,1994). #1 generic network is a 
known camera configuration providing te best possible survey 
of all points on a particular surface. 
The expert system presented by Mason (1994) is based upon 
the decomposition of target fields into a number of point 
groups that relate to the underlying surfaces of the target fields. 
The target fields are decomposed into combinations of surfaces 
for which generic camera configurations are known. These 
generic networks are then combined into a single, strong 
network for the whole object, giving consideration to the 
nature of the object, and ensuring the restrictions of the site are 
The decomposition of target fields into point groups that are 
representative of the surfaces of the object is the main 
cognitive operation on which the conceptual model for imaging 
geometry configuration is based (Mason 1994). Mason was 
able to suggest a partial model for the grouping of points into 
the simplest of surfaces for which a generic camera 
configuration is known: the plane. Points to be grouped as a 
plane must satisfy two criteria (i) proximity - they must be 
spatial neighbours; and (ii) uniformity - they must share a 
similar surface normal (Mason 1994). These criteria are 
appropriate for grouping points into planar regions, however 
objects to be surveyed are rarely that simple. Thus, a more 
general conceptual model for the grouping of points needs to 
be developed (Mason 1994). The work presented in this paper 
is part of an investigation to determine the suitability of 
proximity and uniformity as criteria for grouping points in 
target fields which lie on surfaces other than planes. 
Flynn and Jain (1988) claimed that spheres, cylinders and 
planes reasonably approximate 85% of manufactured objects. 
These three surfaces, along with cones, were chosen as the 
primitive surfaces into which target fields are to be 
decomposed. The cone was included to increase the range of 
objects that can be effectively generalised, or alternatively the 
quality of the generalisations. All four of these surfaces belong 
to the larger family of quadric surfaces and all can be 
represented by the expression: 
F(X, Y, Z) = a1X2+ aoŸ” + a3Z” + a4XY + asXZ + asYZ 
+ a7X + agŸ + a9Z + ap = 0 
X, Y, Z ~ object co-ordinates. 
2.1 Uniformity Indicators. 
2.1.1 Indicators Reviewed: The uniformity indicators used 
for the grouping of points must be applicable to the task of 
generalising close range photogrammetric target fields. The 
direction of the surface normal at a point has a bearing on the 
location of the cameras used to image that point. These surface 
normal directions indicate the uniformity of a target field. 
Similar surface normal directions suugest points lie on a near 
planar surface. Uniformly changing surface normal directions 
suggest points lie on the same curved surface. The distance 
between neighbouring points on a surface patch could also 
indicate the uniformity of points. This indicator is, however, of 
little value in relation to the intended application. Changes in 
the spacing between neighbouring points may bear no relation 
to the orientation of the patch on which they are located. The 
direction of the surface normal is therefore a potentially useful 
quantity for the evaluation of target point uniformity. 
A review of uniformity indicators used by researchers in the 
field of computer vision and machine intelligence for the 
decomposition of complex objects into homogeneous regions 
identified a number of potentially useful uniformity indicators. 
Krishnapuram and Munshi (1991) trialed a number of 
uniformity indicators in their evaluation of image 
segmentation techniques. They segmented images using single 
uniformity indicators and different combinations of two 
indicators (one related to the surface normal and one related to 
either the curvature at, or the location of, each point). The five 
uniformity indicators were: 
Orientation angle of surface normal. 
Tilt angle of the surface normal. 
Gaussian curvature at a point. 
Mean curvature at a point. 
Euclidean distance of points from an origin. 
Krishnapuram and Munshi (1991) concluded that the 
combination of mean curvature at a point and the orientation 
angle of the surface normal enabled them to effectively 
segment images of both planar and curved objects. 
Hoffman and Jain (1987) used three uniformity indicators to 
decompose range images in their three dimensional object 
recognition system. The uniformity indicators in the minimum 
justifiable set that could be effectively utilised in their 
application (Hoffman and Jain 1987) are as follows: 
Image co-ordinates (r, c) of points, 
Range / depth from sensor (F(r,c) = z) of points, 
Coefficients of estimated unit surface normal, 
vector (Ai+ Bj+ Ck) at points. 
The use of these three uniformity indicators requires the 
analysis of six parameters, three for the co-ordinates of each 
point, and one parameter for each of the three coefficients of 
the estimated unit surface normal. 
The coefficients of a biquadratic facet model : 
Zuv = Bo + B1u+ Bav + B3 u‘ + B4 uv * B5 v^, 
evaluated for a surface patch about each point were used by 
Jolion et. al. (1991) as a uniformity indicator in the evaluation 
of an image segmentation algorithm. As with the uniformity 
indicators used by Hoffman and Jain (1987), the use of the 
coefficients of the biquadratic facet model requires the 
analysis of six parameters. 
Flynn and Jain (1988) developed a classification algorithm for 
the description of segmented range images, using the 
uniformity indicators of minimum curvature and maximum 
curvature to discriminate between a sub-set of the quadric 
surfaces. The minimum and maximum curvatures are 
evaluated at points known to lie on non-planar surfaces, in 
order to classify them as lying on spherical, cylindrical, or 
conical surface patches. Flynn and Jain made use of the 
known distinctive combinations of these curvature measures in 
a hierarchical classification process to discriminate between 
each surface in the sub-set of quadric surfaces. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
Surface curv: 
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2.1.2 Indica 
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surface norn 
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Jain (1988). 
Sphere : 1 
Cone : r 
Figure 1. ] 
A function o; 
the surface 
parameters t: 
surface norr 
(direction) o 
plane. The si 
direction fro;

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