Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

‚including those 
is are fitted to 
or the taking of 
event in such 
trial imagery. 
nce of Dr. Eric 
the laboratory 
sequent image 
[) y BB, 
Schematic Representation of the 
9 images (5 normal, 4 rolled) 
using the full 3-D test range 
Wester-Ebbinghaus technique. 
Schematic Representation of the 18 images 
(9 normal, 9 rolled) using a row of targets 
Brown technique 
Figure 3. Schematic representations of Single Station Calibration Techniques attributable to Brown and Wester- 
Brown, D.C., 1956, The Simultaneous Determination of 
the Orientation and Lens Distortion of a Photogrammetric 
Camera, RCA Data Reduction Technical Report 33, 
AFMTC-TN-56-20, ASTIA Document No. 96626. 
Brown, D.C., 1959, Results in Geodetic Photogrammetry 
: The Precise Determination of the Location of Bermuda 
from Photogrammetric Observations of Flares Ejected 
from Juno 11, RCA-MTP Data Reduction Technical 
Report 54, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, AFMTC-TR 
Brown, D.C., 1964, An Advanced Reduction and 
Calibration for Photogrammetric Cameras, Air Force 
Cambridge research Laboratories, Contract 
AF19(604)-8493, DBA, Florida. 
Brown, D.C., 1971, Close-Range Camera Calibration, 
Symposium on Close-Range Photogrammetry, 
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. (later published 
in Photogrammetric Engineering, August, 1971). 
Brown, D.C., 1976, The Bundle Adjustment - Progress 
and Prospects, Invited paper, Comm. III, XIII Congress 
of ISP, Helsinki, 33 pages. 
Brown, D.C., 1985, personal communication. 
Fryer, J.G. and Brown, D.C. 1986, Lens Distortion in 
Close Range Photogrammetry, Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing, 52(2) : 51-58. 
Obituary, Duane C. Brown, The Photogrammetric Record 
XV(85) : 179-180. 
Obituary, Wilfried Wester-Ebbinghaus, The 
Photogrammetric Record, XIV(83) : 852-853. 
Wester-Ebbinghaus, W., 1982, Single Station Self- 
Calibration : Mathematical Formulation and First 
Experiences, Int. Archives of Photo, Commission V, 
York, 24(V/2) : 533-550. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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