obtain edges and nodes, a vectorization is necessary
(Fig. 12).
=> jé
2 ss S qu Eb BRR mu
E mm B NS i qu = ERR m c | © i
NS S v m S m
a us
X 5 d
gU Nu = _ | ius S us
po b 2 E SR
| |
Figure 12: Vectorized Edges and Nodes
The next step was the feature-based matching. For this
task we chose three images with tilt angles of - 5°, 0° and
+ 5°. As the result of the matching process over 90% of
the features, both nodes and edges, were matched suc-
cessfully. The matched nodes were used as tie points for
the following estimation of the orientation parameters.
After the evaluation of the three-dimensional coordinates
of the edge points, the reconstructed microsample has
been visualized, as seen in Fig. 13.
Figure 13: Automatically Reconstructed Silicon Sample
(Dimensions in um)
It is possible to analyse surfaces in microranges with the
described photogrammetric methods. This enables the
comparison of quantitative differences, for example be-
tween the nominal and the actual dimensions influenced
by the technological process.
Further improvements are necessary to develop the pre-
sented photogrammetric system to a robust automatic
method in three-dimensional microsciences. With help of
a detailed calibration of SEM it is possible, to simplify the
orientation process with the aim of a higher stability and
accuracy. In order to further automation the number of
threshold values and control parameters should be re-
duced. Other correspondence algorithms will be investi-
gated in the future, for instance relational matching
methods. In some cases, the difficult process of feature
matching can be supported by a knowledge-base from
evaluated data from the CAD-model of the microstructure.
The joint project ,Microtopography" between the Tech-
nical University of Berlin and the Institute for High Tech-
nology Jena is financially supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
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