In this paper, a relational graph representation, in terms of
object boundaries, is developed. The graphic representation is
described by planar surfaces which are bounded by straight
lines or regular curves. These surfaces are grouped in terms of
their normal directions and are stored together with their areas
and perimeters as matching elements. The topological relations
between surfaces are constructed in terms of the centre of each
surface and the common edge of two surfaces. The automatic
procedure for a machine vision system for FMS includes three
steps: image processing techniques for the extraction of
features on the industrial components and hence the 3-
dimensional measurements of these components; representation
of the 3-dimensional objects in an efficient and convenient data
structure; artificial intelligence procedures for the recognition
of the objects by comparing with models stored in the design
database. Figure 1 illustrates a schema of the procedure by
means of which objects in the scene can be reconstructed and
recognised from digital stereo images.
Images of industrial components are generally characterised by
sharp discontinuities which represent features on the objects. In
order to describe features by their boundaries and to use
feature-based image matching in photogrammetry, it is
necessary to extract the complete details of linear features of
the object from its edges, and to represent them in a suitable
data structure such as straight lines and smooth curves. By
matching these geometric features in stereo images, the 3
dimensional geometry of objects can be reconstructed.
Figure 2 : An image of a block
2.1 Edge Detection
Edge detection is low level image processing, which serves to
simplify the analysis of images by drastically reducing the
amount of data to be processed, while at the same time
preserving useful structural information in images. The edge
detection method (Trinder & Huang, 1993) used in the research
is based on a linear model which locates an edge point in the
operator window with subpixel accuracy. The linear model
comprises two aspects: one is to determine the peak of the
intensity change in gradient direction, which is performed by
the Förstner Operator (Förstner, 1987); the other is to limit the
unstable edge location in the edge direction by the introduction
of a linear constraint which passes through the window centre
and meets the edge at right angles.
To improve the accuracy of the edge location, an edge point is
determined by a weighted average of two points derived from
both sides of the edge. Another implementation is to use a
round operator window instead of a square window, so that the
result will not be influenced by the difference of edge
orientations. The scattered edge points are then chained by
following neighbouring pixels, based on the minimum local
distance. The direction of the edge chaining corresponds to the
local direction of the edge, which is attached to each edge point
as a primitive for the succeeding process. Figure 3 displays the
edges detected from the image of an industrial component
shown in figure 2. The edges can be located with a precision of
0.1 pixel, depending on the contrast of edges. Generally, high
contrast, which reduces the influence of noise, results in high
precision of edge location.
Figure 3 : Edges on the block
2.2 Line Segmentation
In industrial environments, regular shapes such as ellipses and
straight lines, often occur as elements of object boundaries. In
order to interpret objects in the scene, it is generally more
relevant to present the boundaries of objects revealed in the
images in geometric form, because simple geometric functions
provide more reliable information and are easier to calculate.
The suitability of the approach developed in the research for
line segmentation is demonstrated in (Huang & Trinder, 1994),
based on the analysis of the local directions of edges. The local
direction of an edge point is a 1-D value which clearly reflects
the trend of the edge at the edge point with respect to the next
point. If a group of edge points contain the same trend in edge
direction, it means that these edge points are of similar
geometry. The method attempts not to find corners, but directly
to find the basic components of straight lines or regular curves
by the assessment of the local direction at the edge points along
a complete edge. The principles of the line segmentation are:
all edge points on a straight line should indicate approximately
the same edge direction; and all edge points on a regular curve
should indicate the same sign of the difference in direction.
Figure 4 : Results of line segmentation
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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