This is the case of dealing with photos (Figure 1) that were
made for photo documentation purposes only. As it will be
seen from photography disposition, they were not made to
serve as a basis for measurement, but as a visual
The position and geometry of traces that have been under
investigation were determined by photogrammetric
intersection using the available photo documentation and
the additional field measurements. Comprehensive
photogrammetric measurements and analysis have been
carried out (Table 2). In addition to the traces in question,
other relevant details have been shown on the drawing of
the traffic scene accident such as: unquestionable traces,
the found position of the vehicle, traffic signs, etc.
Table 2: Some characteristics of the traffic scene
analysis project
control points spatial intersection method
(m, 2m,2m;- 2cm)
photo material non-metric photos - Leica type _
Data processing
software RolleiMetric MR2
number of 1
number of photos | 1 (2-6)
camera - objects |2-25m
photography bad
data adjustment bundle adjustment
accuracy of image |0.2 mm
achieved accuracy | 2-3 cm in direction normal to the
for object street axes;
coordinates of the | 5-10 cm in street direction
trace in question
Comprehensive photogrammetric observations were
necessary to provide the required accuracy and to connect
questionable traces with other details important for the
spatial and time analysis of the traffic scene accident. Two
traces determined by photogrammetric intersection using
the available amateur photos and all the other evidence,
followed by the judgment of the expert for traffic accident
investigations, enabled a detailed reconstruction of the
vehicle movement just before the accident happened.
For court investigation requirements, expertise of the video
material of the street demonstrations, has been appointed
to the Laboratory for Photogammetry at the Institute of
Geodesy (Mihajlovió, 1994b, Cvijetinovió, 1996). The
expertise task was related to the photogrammetric
determination of the direction and possible path of bullets
fired from weapon during events recorded by video
cameras. Video images of the event made by video
reporters of several TV stations were given at the disposal of
the Institute of Geodesy at disposal.
The expertise has been divided into several characteristic
stages (Table 3).
Figure 2: One of the framed images
Table 3: Characteristic stages and the time taken by the
1. | Conversion of the video material in a | 2h
computer acceptable form and printing
on paper
2. | Photogrammetric registration of the | 1h
scene in front of the Federal Assembly
3. | Inspection of the scene accident, field | 6h
4. | Photogrammetric process. (orientation) 13h
5. | Photogrammetric processi. (calculations | 3h
of 3D coordinates)
6. | Creation of drawings by use of CAD | 15h
Total : 40h
The elements of the interior and exterior orientation of
thirteen framed video images (Figure 2) have been
determined by use of photogrammetric measurements
and positions of control points determined by precise
geodetic survey. Some of the most important
characteristics of the project are presented in Table 4.
Calculations of coordinates for the top of the gun and
the eye of the shooting person were necessary for the
determination of the bullet direction. Mean square error
of the X and Y coordinates wa 6.5 cm, and 1.7 cm for Z
coordinate (Table 4).
Three dimensional coordinates and exterior orientation
elements calculated by geodetic survey and
photogrammetric methods were transported to AutoCAD
where editing of final drawings was carried out. Wire
frame drawing was generated for the scene in front of
the Federal Assembly building (Figure 3). Drawings with
vertical and horizontal profiles set in bullet direction, and
perspective views from camera positions were also
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
Table 4:
of the ev
Data ac
photo r
(bullet |
Figure 3:
Federal ,