Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Plane 2 
Fig. 7 Mosaic of the Tectifie 
For a more efficient documentation of the building, a 3D 
model on the PC was made by joining the vector files 
together. This was achieved by special software written in 
AutoLisp, in AutoCAD S/W package environment, so that: 
e the local coordinate systems, to which the rectifications 
of the sides are referred, to be adjusted together 
e each detail point of the rectified facades, to acquire the 
correct third dimension automatically. 
d images of the upper part of planes 2:1 and 3 of the 
Plane 5 à 
Plane 1 
. Plane 3 
southern side (at scale 1:100) 
The size and the complexity of the building, together with 
the large number of rectifications produced, made the task 
extremely difficult. The detailed and careful codification of 
the data (per facade, rectification, characteristic) is the 
most fundamental factor for an efficient outcome (similar 
references are found in projects for different objects but of 
similar results, such as Heine, 1993). So, all the planes 
which constitute the building as a 3D figure in space and 
the characteristic details of each facade, as they had been 
restituted from the rectified photos, were created. Then, by 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
using the Au 
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The result of 
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plane (X, Z) 
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of 22° above 
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