Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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An Underwater Digital Photogrammetric System 
For Fishery Geomatics 
Rongxing Li, Chuang Tao, and Weihong Zou 
Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary 
2500 University Drive, NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 
Tel: 403-220-4112, Fax: 403-284-1980 
E-mail: rli@acs.ucalgary.ca, WWW: http://loihi.ensu.ucalgary.ca/ 
R. G. Smith and T. A. Curran 
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canadian Hydrographic Services 
P.O. Box 6000, 9860 W Sasnich Road, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada V8L 4B2 
KEY WORDS: Underwater photogrammetry, Digital photogrammetry, CCD camera, Calibration 
A new Underwater Digital Photogrammetric System (UDPS) has been developed at The University of Calgary and Canadian 
Hydrographic Services. An underwater digital CCD imaging system has been mounted on a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). 
This system will be used for fisheries and related applications in the marine environment. In this paper, the design and the 
implementation of this underwater digital photogrammetric system is described. The mobile photogrammetry and digital imaging 
technologies are employed. An efficient system calibration scheme and an underwater photogrammetric model are presented. 
Recent test results are given. 
Exploration of the vast water body of the earth is of increasing 
importance for fisheries, development and management of 
marine oil and mineral resources, and ocean floor 
investigation. Collecting and analyzing underwater data is a 
key to the exploration. Requirements for the underwater 
imaging technology continue to be diversified in recent years. 
Advances in the imaging sensor technology, particularly those 
in solid-state devices, led to a trend towards diverless 
underwater intervention systems. Intuitively, an efficient and 
effective technology is required to meet the demanding needs 
of underwater data analysis and interpretation (Turner et al., 
A research project was initiated at The University of Calgary 
and the Canadian Hydrographic Services (CHS) to develop a 
mobile underwater digital photogrammetric system for 
fisheries and underwater environmental surveys. The current 
emphasis is on fish stock assessment which involves the 
identification of fish species, calculation of fish size and 
volume, visualization and measurement of sea plants. 
Traditionally, most of the research on the underwater resource 
management depends on the analysis of sonar images. 
However, acoustic data are of small scales. On the other hand, 
video images provide the capability of direct visual 
interpretations. Photogrammetry is recognized as a cost-effect 
technology to these applications. Recent advances in 
underwater vehicle navigation and digital imaging make 
photogrammetry a feasible and practical technology for 
applications in underwater surveys and object measurement. 
The quantitative rather than qualitative analysis of underwater 
images can be achieved by means of digital photogrammetric 
This paper describes an Underwater Digital Photogrammetric 
System (UDPS) jointly developed by The University of Calgary 
and CHS. Following the introduction, the system design and its 
configuration are given. In section 3, a reduced central 
perspective model and a mathematically rigorous 3D ray 
tracing model are described. Section 4 presents an efficient 
system calibration. Experimental results and concluding 
remarks are given in the last two sections. 
2.1 Mobility Of The Underwater System 
In conventional underwater survey, underwater control is a 
complicated work (Leatherdale and Turner, 1991). It is 
difficult to select fixed and identifiable points for control. 
Serious problems of connections between stereo models may 
arise. Artificial magnetic targets and grease paint marks are 
used to provide sufficient feature and texture for stereoscopic 
measurements. With the navigation capability of the GPS, 
underwater mobile mapping becomes a reality in recent years. 
Figure 1 gives a brief view of a mobile UDPS. GPS provides 
accurate positions of the vessel in a dynamic or semi-dynamic 
mode. By means of the integration of multiple local sensors, 
such as acoustic systems, pressure sensors and gyrocompasses, 
the ROV, which is equipped with a stereo imaging system, can 
be positioned with respect to the vessel. After the calibration of 
the geometric relationship between the imaging cameras and 
the ROV, the stereo image sequences of underwater objects 
can be georeferenced in a global coordinate system. Currently, 
the gyrocompass and the acoustic system have not been 
Figure 1. A mobile UDPS framework 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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