Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

ystem was fixed 
ance was about 
with 24 control 
of the reduced 
case, the media 
. By Comparing 
ior orientation 
ted results are 
nodel is correct. 
trol points) are 
inal vector RMS 
(10 points) are 
=16.1 mm. 
ht camera 
ol frame merged 
he uncontrolled 
reduced central 
to compute the 
in Table 2. The 
fferent from the 
caused by the 
rections and the 
parameters are 
y tracing model. 
1at the RMS of 
ind m;-2.1mm, 
used for this 
odel, interested 
Table 2. Real sea site test 
Parameter Left camera Right camera 
f (pixel) 563.92 569.5] 
Xp (pixel) 320.02 317.03 
Yp (pixel) 223.34 229.71 
Sy 1.075 1.078 
X0(m) 101.1556 101.5426 
Y0(m) 100.3727 100.3716 
Z0(m) -98.1268 -98.3053 
o (rads) -0.0690 -0.0453 
$ (rads) -0.2890 -0.2151 
K (rads) -0.0624 -0.0131 
K1(10:2) -0.0001 -0.0001 
K2(10°%) 0.00001 0.00001 
Pj (1074) -0.006 -0.02 
Pa(10-^) -0.020 -0.021 
The underwater photogrammetric models for extracting 
quantitative spatial information of underwater objects using 
CCD stereo images have been researched. In addition, a PC 
based UDPS has been developed to perform the underwater 
photogrammetric processing. From the testing results, the 
following conclusions can be drawn: 
e The newly derived reduced central perspective model was 
successfully applied to compute the calibration parameters 
of the imaging system. This method provides us an 
efficient way to address the problems of acquisition of 
approximate values, especially in uncontrolled underwater 
environmental situations. 
e [tis possible to use the 3D optical ray tracing technique to 
describe the imaging procedure and to construct a rigorous 
photogrammetric model with multiple refraction and 
multi-lens of the imaging system. 
* The designed system using CCD cameras and mobile 
photogrammtric method are efficient for underwater data 
acquisition. It is a promising way to perform a non 
seafloor control survey. 
* The method applied allowed an accuracy of 0.5-1.0 cm 
along the x- and y-direction and 1.0-3.0 cm along the z- 
direction in the object space. 
The further research will focus on the error and reliability 
analysis of the imaging system under different underwater 
conditions. The integration of multiple sensors for objects 
measurement will be conducted. Digital image classification 
and pattern recognition for specific objects, e.g., fish species, 
Will be carried out. 
The support from the Canadian Hydrographic Services (CHS), 
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and the National 
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 
(NSERC) is gratefully acknowledged. 
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Fryer, J. G. and C. S. Fraser, 1986. On the Calibration of 
Underwater Cameras, Photogrammetric record, 12(67): 73-85 
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experience in underwater photogrammetry, ISPRS J. of P&RS, 
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calibration Points for Real-Time 3D Measurements. Proc. of 
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Li, H., 1995. Quantitative Analysis of Underwater Stereo 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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