6.2. Digital Orthophoto
The following data were used in forming digital
orthophotos of main and side facade:
- Camera WILD : P-32
- Gauged focal distance: 63.95 mm
- Object distance: 19 m
- Bases length: 3 m
- Photo scale: 1:300
- Orthophoto scale: 1:50
- Longitudinal covering: 87 %
The orthophotos were produced at the Digital
Photogrametric station Leica - Helava - DPW 770,
which belongs to the ESTEIO Engineering and
Airdrafting S.A. from Curitiba-PR.
Several technical aspects had their role in the
process , as follows : the SOCET SET was the
logical module used , for its orienting the models ,
molding the ground automatically , manual and
automatic mosaic of photos , gathering vectorial
data and so forth . First the color negatives were
scanned with the station DSW 100 (Leica-Helava)
and 2000 dpi which correspond to 13 microns
pixel. Each negative generated a magnetic file in
positive of around 100 megabytes ;this was adapted
expecting a possible restitution at the very station .
For execution there should be a choice of DTM
for the PLANICOMP C-120 . Due to great differ-
ences in depth (z) of details , it was decided to use
DTM since the restituted structural lines , which
were placed to form a grid every 50 cm regularly .
Correction is automatic in software with field sup-
port points and DTM . No discrepancies there .
Due to some image distortions it was necessary to
edit part of DTM and to compare it with the elabo-
rated restitution . Working time - considering the
tests made and the pioneer aspect - was of about 50
(fifty) hours . Due to great differences in depth ,
the details at the back could not be corrected . As a
final product , it was generated a digital ortho-
photo in magnetic file TIF with a 600 dpi resolu-
tion ( was shown at the stand of IME at the Bra-
zilian Cartography Congress).
As for restitution also a convention board was
elaborated . This product was sent to the United
States to be made in a Laser photoplotter with
2000 dpi resolution .
7.1 - The final products , namely the photogram-
metric restitution of two fagades and its colored
orthophotos , have fundamental roles in the resto-
ration process .
7.2 - Detail definition was somewhat damaged by
the use of colored negatives . The absence of spe-
cialized laboratories to develop this type of film is
a great obstacle .
7.3 - An interesting technical aspect was the moti-
vation aroused in many professionals of photo-
grammetry who were willing to cooperate .
7.4 - Digital orthophoto is a quite modern tech-
nique though not yet fully popular in Brazil , spe-
cially the color aspect . We believe this was a pio-
neer achievement in our country .
7.5 - The final products was displayed at the stand
of the Military Institute of Engineering at the XV
EXPOSICARTA of the XVII Brazilian Congress
of Cartography .
7.6 - This work means one more cartographic con-
tribution to form the Photogrammetric Archives of
Brazil's Historical Monuments .
Antonio Pimentel Wins - President of Instituto
Histórico e Geográfico do Rio de Janeiro.
Carlos A. Etchevarne e Ana Maria Gantois - Museu
de Arqueologia da UFBA.
Ciro Lira - Coordinator of Instituto do Património
Histórico e Artístico Nacional - Rio.
Cristina Xavier Ferreira - Architect ,Companhia de
Desenvolvimento da Regido Metropolitana de Sal-
vador - CONDER.
Edivaldo Machado Boaventura - Universidade Fed-
eral da Bahia.
General Agenor Homem de Carvalho - Cmt of VI
Regido Militar.
General Luiz Augusto Cavalcante Moniz de Aragäo
- Cmt of Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME.
Gilka Goulart Santana - Restorer Architect.
Joaquim Alves da Cruz Rios - Director of Jornal A
Tarde - Salvador-Bahia.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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