Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

in the resto- 
damaged by 
sence of spe- 
ype of film is 
was the moti- 
ls of photo- 
modern tech- 
Brazil , spe- 
is was a pio- 
] at the stand 
ng at the XV 
ian Congress 
ographic con- 
; Archives of 
nt of Instituto 
jantois - Museu 
do Património 
,Companhia de 
olitana de Sal- 
iversidade Fed- 
o-Cmt of VI 
[oniz de Aragáo 
haria - IME. 
ctor of Jornal A 
Jorge Calmon Moniz de Bittencourt - President of 
Honor of Instituto Geográfico e Histórico da Bahia. 
Mario Mendonga de Oliveira - Restorer Architect - 
IPHAN e Professor da Universidade Federal da 
Marcos Leoneli Espinheira - Director of Odebrecht 
S.A., responsável pelo Projeto Porto Sauípe. 
Paulo Ormindo David de Azevedo - Counselor of 
Renato Berbert de Castro - President of Conselho de Cul- 
tura da Bahia. 
Rodolpho Pereira Tourinho - Superintendant Direc- 
tor of TV BAHIA. 
Silvia Teixeira Azevedo - KODAK Brasileira 
Comércio e Indüstria Ltda., branch Rio de Janeiro. 
Sinay Neves & Irmáos Ltda. 
Solange Serravale - BAIATURSA. 
Stephan Meier - Director of Wild Brasil Instrumental 
Técnico Ltda. 
Vera Lucia Coelho Vilar - Coordinator of Instituto 
do Património Histórico e Artístico Nacional - Sal- 
Welington C. da Rocha, Fernando Dias Pereira e 
Walter Xavier Aguiar - Directors of ESTEIO - Engen- 
haria e Aerolevantamentos S. A. 
Wilhelm Hermann Klaus Peters - President of Fun- 
daçäo Garcia D' Avila. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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