Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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Dentures and Targets 
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Coordinates NN Analyzing 
SYSTEM I Computer 
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; Targets Dell Co. 
& P| XMT 590 
: Photogrammetry 
Infrared System 
TV Camera [| | (PG MAN) 
Infrared ral 
TV Camera 35mm Camera 
Nikon Co. 
Infrared M 
TV Camera 
: 35mm Camera 
Infrared D d Nikon Co. 
TV Camera NIKON F3 
eee ELITE 
Fig. 2 Data processing 
2.2 The Motion Capture System 
The Elite system can measure the 3-D coordinates of moving 
targets in real time with the frequency of 100 Hz. TV cameras 
equipping with CCD sensor are able to work in the infrared 
band with an infrared ray filter. The camera emitting a 
synchronized flush in front of them can detect the reflected 
light rays, and send the images to the main processor, which 
finds the coordinates of targets with the practice of the 
2.3 Targets Construction 
Twelve targets were prepared for each subject: For the 
elimination of the head movement three targets were attached 
to the rim of eyeglasses; Six targets were placed on the metal 
frame attached to the labial surface of each denture; For the 
measurements of the mandibular movements the remains were 
set on the metal frame (equivalent for the mentum and the 
mandibular angle), which was adjusted to be in parallel with 
the mandibular bottom plane and drawn with gum belts in two 
directions from each side, while the head gear was used as the 
anchor(Fig. 3). 
Fig. 3 One of the subjects in full face 
2.4 The Photogrammetry 
For the measurement of denture mobility we have to transform 
because we set the targets in extra oral area. Using stereo 
photogrammetry system (PGman) the coordinate system on the 
dentures (representative points: first molars and an incisal 
point) and the coordinate system of external oral targets on the 
metal frames were united by the least square method. 
These relations were represented by the transforming matrix, 
with which the loca of the extra oral targets were transformed 
to the relative movements of the dentures against patients’ 
head on the analyzing computer (Fig. 4). The distance between 
the subjects and cameras was 40 cm( — h ) , and the precision 
of calculation was 0.0005 x h ( 7 0. 20 mm ). 
3.1 The Subjects 
Three complete denture wearers (62~78 years old) were 
selected. Complete dentures were made in the Department of 
the Geriatric Dentistry, T.M.D.Univ., and the subjects had 
been wearing these dentures for at least 3 months. 
The subjects were instructed to tap and masticate test foods 
(carrots, fish paste, and raisins) on the unilateral side until it 
was ready to be swallowed. The same food was masticated on 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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