Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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Fig.2 Digital Still Camera:Kodak DCS 460 
2. System and Hard wares 
Our systems are followings...., 
(T. aking Images(stereo peas)) Kodak DC-40 
/ DCS-460 
Stereo Matching Macintosh 5300ce 
(ortho Images/Image Processing) 
Print out Canon BJ-35C 
Add the data (Sketchs) 
3. Platforms 
Taking images from low altitude needs various platforms 
(Fig.1). Lowest platform is the rope-way system. It can 
carry up the cameras about 12m high above the ground. In 
the large areas, the best platforms is the radio controlled 
model helicopter. It can carry up the cameras less than 
300m high. In the case of Kodak DCS-460 with f=28mm 
lense (Fig.2), image areas or stereo areas (over lap 
60%,side lap 30%) are following...., 
altitude Image area stereo area 
10m 5.4*8.1m 2.1*3.2m 
20m 10.8*16.2m 4.3*6.5m 
50m 27.0*40.5m 10.8*16.2 
100m 54.1*81.1m 21.6*32.4 
200m 108.2*162.2m 43.2*64.8m 
300m 162.2*243.2m 64.9*97.3m 
3. Stereo Matching/Image Processing 
3.1 Stereo Matching 
Stereo Matching systems are down load to personal 
computer (Macintosh 5300ce) from AUTO-3D (Shimamoto 
and Uchida 1993). AUTO 3D runs on the SUN work 
stations. The methods depend on bundle ajustment. 
The purpose of stereo matching is to make the ortho 
images. Archaeologists need the ortho images so quickly. 
In this case(Fig.3), it took 15 minutes to make this ortho 
3.2 Ortho Images and image Processing 
Ortho images from stereo matchings are only the images. 
If the Archaeologists needs like a maps, they can make 
from this ortho images to image processing pictures 
(Fig.4) by various soft wares are on the market(ex. 
Adobe Photoshop). 
4. Add the data/Trace 
4.1 Add the data 
Archaeologists can quickly add/memo the data and the 
impressions about the archaeological remains on the 
printed out the papers (Fig.4). In the case of 
photogrammetry, Archaeologists can add/memo the data 
etc., after developing the films, or they must sketch by 
4.2 Trace 
If the archaeological remains are simple, Archaeologist 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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