Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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ructure; may 
sed, texture- 
e scene restoration - forms a scene description, 
based on segmented structure; may be model- 
based or use some data base; extracts the 
spatial objects; 
e object tracking - in the most broad sense, 
presumes the estimation of the element 
movement; requires to store the results of 
previous observations; may use the sequential 
image differences, correlation tracking, Kalman 
filtering, Bayesian estimation and so on; 
extracts the spatio-temporal events. 
?. Pairwise fusi 
Procedures of this class fuse two input 
structures of some type into the one output structure 
of the same type. There are two types of fusion: 
element fusion and structure fusion. 
A. Element fusion procedures. The most 
important procedures are: 
e element theoretic-set union - fuses two 
structures — with corresponding element 
dimension of D1 and D2 into the resultant 
structure with element dimension (D1+D2); 
preserves the structure dimension; typically of 
use in fusion at the measurement and feature 
levels; results in creation of common space of 
measurements or features; 
e Soft data fusion - for each soft element fuses 
the soft characteristic vectors; preserves the 
both structure dimension and element 
dimension; may use Bayesian or Dempster- 
Schaffer reasoning; 
e evidence fusion - fuses evidences to obtain the 
hard symbolic data; preserves the both 
structure dimension and element dimension; 
may use any evidence reasoning approach; 
B. Structure fusion procedures. The most 
important procedures are: 
e Structure union - theoretic-set union of two 
structures; preserves the element dimension; of 
use in fusion of any structured data; 
oe structure intersection - theoretic-set intersection 
of two structures; preserves the element 
dimension; of use in fusion of any structured 
e rang fusion - theoretic-set union of two 
structures with accumulation of number of 
evidences for each element and exclusion of 
elements with this number less than some rang 
(threshold); preserves the element dimension: 
of use in fusion of any structured data: 
These procedures must be implemented for 
each of data structures supported by the proper 
System of multi-sensor data processing using the 
Structure union, intersection or rang fusion. 
2.2.3. Filteri | 
These are the on-level procedures with one 
input and one output. These procedures always 
preserve the element dimension of data. So, we 
need to consider the structure dimension as a 
characteristic feature of these procedures. 
A. Dimension preserving procedures. The most 
important procedures of this type are: 
e element transforms - transform the each 
element in the uniform way; typically of use at 
the measurement and feature levels, e.g. 
histogram transforms of intensity images or the 
mappings of feature spaces; 
e linear and non-linear transforms - processes 
raster data in the spatial or frequent domain; the 
large set of such procedures can be 
B. Dimension non-preserving procedures. The 
most important procedures of this type are: 
e geometric transforms - transform any spatial 
data using some geometric model; the large 
set of such procedures can be implemented; 
may be of use to provide the co-registration 
e structure evolving - processes the structure to 
obtain to better features or behavior, for 
example, 2D-segmentation by repetitive 
splitting and merging. 
Thus, we have formed the complete 
theoretical framework for multi-sensor data 
processing. The necessity of implementation of 
some proper kind of filtering procedure is 
determined by the properties and required features 
of any certain multi-sensor application to be 
developed on the basis of this framework. 
This theoretical basis allows to form generic 
frame-based software architecture for multi-sensor 
data fusion and processing of multisensor image 
In order to form the satisfactory and 
representative data base of image sequences the 
special experimental complex have been designed 
(fig.3). It includes: 
coherent LL-sensor; 
IR-sensor AGA-780 with the control system and 
e high resolution video camera FTM-800; 
DISCON - the transmission device to transform 
the IR-signal to video standard; 
e PC to store the IR and video images; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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