A five-eye camera head, shown in Figure 1 (b), handles
the distance range of 2 to 15m using 8mm lenses. An
example scene and its range image are shown in Figure 2.
The stereo machine outputs a pair of intensity and depth
images at 30 frames/sec.
3.1 Multi-Baseline Stereo theory
The stereo machine employs multi-baseline stereo theory
(Okutomi and Kanade, 1993). Assuming that stereo
images have been rectified, the disparity dis related to the
distance z to the scene point by:
where B and F are baseline and focal length, respectively.
This equation indicates that for a particular point in the
image, the disparity divided by the baseline length (the
inverse depth C) is constant since there is only one dis-
tance z for that point. If any evidence or measure of match-
ing for the same point is represented with respect to Gi
should consistently show a good indication only at the sin-
gle correct value of { independent of B.
The SAD* (Sum of Absolute Difference) over a small win-
dow is one of the simplest and most effective measures of
image matching. For a particular point in one image, a
small image window is cropped around it, and it is slid
along the epipolar lines of other images. Suppose that the
stereo camera head has a base camera fy and n inspec-
tion cameras (f, | k=1,..n}, forming n stereo pairs. For
each stereo pair we compute the SAD value (SAD,
k=1,...n) for a pixel (i,j) of fo with respect to C.
SAD, (i,j) = AD, (st, 0)
she Wij)
m * [f(s +c, 8,: 9. te 05: (B: 0f GS 0|
(s.D € W (i, j) (2)
where AD, is the absolute difference between fo and fr, By
is the baseline length between fy and fy, c = (C1,C2) is the
unit vector pointing the direction of the epipolar line in f for
the pixel (ij) of fy and W(i,j) is a small window cropped
around the position (i,j).
The curves SAD1 to SAD3 in Figure 3 show typical curves
of SAD values with respect to Ç for individual stereo image
pairs. Note that, as expected, these SAD functions have
the same minimum position that corresponds to the true
depth. We add up these SAD functions from all stereo
pairs to produce the sum of SADs, which we call SSAD-in-
* Multi-baseline stereo theory originally adopted SSD (Sum
of Squared Difference) and SSSD (Sum of SSD). Here
SAD and SSAD are adopted for low-cost, high-speed
machine implementation.
n n
SSAD(i,j,C) = SAD 0= S AD 51.0)
= i (s.D e w (i, j)
K= 1 K= 1] (3)
The SSAD-in-inverse-distance has a clearer and less
ambiguous minimum than individual SADs. Also, one
should notice that the valley of the SSAD curve is sharper
than SADs, meaning that we can localize the minimum
position more precisely, thereby producing greater preci-
sion in depth measurement. The algorithm has been suc-
cessfully tested with indoor and outdoor scenes under a
variety of conditions (Okutomi et al., 1992, Nakahara and
Kanade, 1992).
- >
Figure 3: SAD and SSAD functions
3.2 Geometric Rectification and Correction of Images
The calculation of absolute difference AD, in equation (2)
assumes inputs of rectified images. In general, however,
since multiple stereo cameras are not perfectly aligned,
and/or optical systems are not perfect, video rate image
rectification and correction are required.
Suppose we have multiple images {fy | k=0,...n} which are
not rectified. Then the squared difference ADy(s,t,C) has
the following expression.
AD, (s,tC) = |f (8.10, Jp (8. t, Q) -f, (ly (G0. J9 (S. 0) | (4)
Here I, and J, are functions of rectified coordinates (s.)
and C, while lg and Jg are functions of only (s,t) (Figure 4).
Either strong calibration methods (Tsai, 1987, Kimura et
al., 1995) or weak calibration methods (Faugeras, 1992)
enable us to obtain these functions.
image f.
image fo s Jo(s.t)
«(S Q)
interpolated pixel values
Absolute Difference
Figure 4: Calculation of Absolute Difference with
Geometric Correction and Rectification
3.3 Summary of the Algorithm for Hardware Imple-
The algorithm implemented on the stereo machine con-
sists of three steps as shown in Figure 5. The first step IS
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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