Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

| Lion's Eye 
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vi. high quality presentation of appropriate clinical 
vii. near real-time presentation of data if intraoperative 
applications are envisaged. 
The investigations reported earlier indicated that image scale 
is a critical determinant of object space accuracy. For a 
typical CCD sensor, a 12mm cornea will be imaged at a 
reduced scale of approximately 1:2, which could be expected 
to significantly reduce accuracy. This loss may be partly 
compensated for by the higher object space accuracy that can 
flow from improved target centroiding, although the 
relatively poor quality of corneal reference marks is likely to 
limit such gains, and from the better metric performance of a 
digital camera, particularly the lack of film deformation. It 
would be preferable to keep the image scale close to 1:1, 
which means using a camera with a CCD array that is at least 
15mm x 15mm. The choice of image transfer technique is 
between PLL line synchronised or pixel synchronous 
framegrabbing from a CCD video camera, or direct capture 
from a digital transfer camera. The latter two of these 
techniques provide the best available solution for most 
photogrammetric applications. An instrument that does not 
allow the clinician to view the images conveniently in real- 
time prior to capture would be too cumbersome for routine 
clinical use. The preferred solution for this application is 
therefore pixel synchronous framegrabbing of a live video 
In the case of the Keratocon, and for a 15mm x 15mm array 
with 1024 x 1024 pixel resolution, an 80pm circular target at 
scale 1:1 would be imaged onto the array as a region with a 
diameter of approximately 6 pixels. A target centroiding 
accuracy in the order of only 0.2 pixel would represent better 
than +4jm in the image which is an improvement on the 
analogue system. Higher resolution arrays would be 
expected to improve this accuracy. 
Figure 6. Portion of a 1:1 scale image of a targeted 
cornea sampled at 3072x2048 pixels. 
Target recognition is expected to be the most complicated 
aspect of a digital implementation. Some experimental work 
has been conducted in an attempt to ascertain the feasibility 
of automatically detecting the corneal marks. A portion of a 
targeted cornea imaged at 1:1 scale on 35mm film and 
scanned onto a 3072x2048 array is shown in Figure 6 above. 
The image has been contrast enhanced using a linear 
histogram remapping but no other image processing. There 
is reasonable segmentation of the dark marks from the 
surrounding cornea and within most marks the bright spot 
representing the target is well enough defined to allow 
manual measurement. A control point appears as a bright 
spot and is clearly segmented. 
There are a number of factors that complicate automatic 
recognition. The corneal reference marks are on a contact 
lens that does not fit in a repeatable manner to the patient's 
eye and so there is no reliable a priori knowledge of the 
position of the reference marks in the image. The colour of 
the iris which forms the background to the corneal images 
varies greatly between patients. Further, it is difficult to 
control illumination between images. 
If pixel synchronous framegrabbing is used then on-the-job 
calibrations would not be required. Photocontrol would only 
be required for initial and regular camera calibrations. The 
beamsplitter in the analogue instrument could be replaced 
with a removable mirror that was fitted only for calibrations. 
The limited depth of field ensures that the cameras would be 
calibrated for an object space within Imm to 2mm of the 
cornea's position. A magnified image of a photocontrol 
target reflected from the beamsplitter but without a cornea in 
the field of view is shown in Figure 7. This is again from a 
3072x2048 pixel scanned image of the illuminated control 
sphere. Its diameter is 16 pixels. There has been no image 
processing used to segment this target from the background. 
Recognising and centroiding a target such as this would pose 
no problems. The targets appear in consistent positions in 
the images and could be automatically identified. 
Figure 7. A digital image of a control target imaged off 
the beamsplitter. 
In medical applications of photogrammetry it is particularly 
important to address the issues of data presentation and 
analysis. Unlike most industrial applications, the provision 
of three dimensional coordinates alone is usually not 
sufficient. In order for a photogrammetric measurement 
system to be clinically acceptable, it must provide 
information that is immediately relevant to the user and in a 
form that is readily understandable. Different users (the 
ophthalmologist, corneal surgeon, contact lens fitter, visual 
scientist) will require different information and different 
presentation (eg Missotten 1994). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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