Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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An accurate knowledge of the topography of the anterior 
surface of the human cornea is essential in a wide range of 
ophthalmic applications. None of the commercially available 
methods of measuring corneal topography provide an 
accurate topographic map of the entire cornea, particularly 
when the cornea is diseased or scarred. 
A photogrammetric method of measuring corneal topography 
has been developed. The method does not rely on corneal 
reflectance and no assumptions need to be made about the 
approximate or specific geometry of the cornea. Using non- 
metric cameras, an accuracy of +20um has been obtained. 
The instrument has provided complete and accurate 
measurements of corneas not well suited to current 
commercially available corneal mapping systems, particularly 
grafted and keratoconic corneas. 
Full automation of image matching is likely to be the greatest 
problem to be overcome in a digital implementation of the 
Keratocon. The task is to obtain sufficient contrast between 
the targets and the pupil, iris and sclera to allow 
segmentation of the targets from the background. Additional 
experimentation with a teflon membrane appears to be the 
most likely route to a reliable solution. 
The ophthalmic market place has demonstrated that many 
clinicians will be satisfied with an instrument that only maps 
corneas that have relatively small departures from normality. 
Given these conditions, and the fact that a photogrammetric 
instrument is unlikely to be less expensive than a 
videokeratoscope, it appears unlikely that a digital 
implementation of the Keratocon is commercially viable if its 
only advantage is that it provides higher three dimensional 
accuracy because of its rigorous photogrammetric solution. 
The key to producing a commercially viable instrument is 
incorporating into the instrument's software the capacity to 
apply the three dimensional data to high quality data analysis 
and visualisation. Existing corneal mapping systems still 
provide only crude visualisation and analysis tools. A digital 
Keratocon should provide sophisticated visualisation of 
corneal topography, be able to derive parameters such as 
corneal power, and have surface matching capability. 
Medical photogrammetry, if it is to be of use to the 
practitioner, must extend beyond the task of measurement 
alone. Spatial measurement in isolation is generally of 
limited value. The task is more likely to be an analysis of 
temporal change, long term in the case of progressive 
disease, short term in the case of motion analysis; or a 
measurement that must be linked to function, such as the 
functional link between corneal topography and refractive 
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Ophthalmometry — Its Theoretical and Clinical 
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No.5 May 1962: 227-251 translated from Bulletins et 
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Bores LD (1991) Corneal Topography — The Dark Side of 
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Clark BAJ (1973a) Conventional Keratoscopy — A Critical 
Review. Aust.J.Optom. Vol.56, 1973: 140-155. 
Clark BAJ (1973b) Variations in Corneal Topography. 
Aust.J.Optom. Vol.56 1973: 399-413. 
Clark BAJ (1974) Mean Topography of Normal Corneas. 
Aust.J.Optom. Vol.57, 1974: 107-114. 
Dingeldein SA, Klyce SD (1989) The Topography of Normal 
Corneas. Arch Ophthalmol 107 1989:512-518. 
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El Hage SG (1972) Photokeratoscopy by Using the Cornea as 
a ‘Self Luminance System. Am.J.Opt. & Arch. 
Am.Ac.Optom. July 1972: 595-602. 
El Hage SG (1976) The Three-Dimensional Configuration of 
the Cornea. Nouv.Rev.Optique, t7, No.3 1976: 205-207. 
El-Hakim SF, Moniwa H, Faig W (1979) Analytical and 
Semi-Analytical Photogrammetric Programs — Theory 
and Users Manual. Technical Report No.64 Department 
of Surveying and Engineering, University of New 
Friedlander MH, Mulet M, Buzard K, Granet N (1991) 
Holographic Interferometry of the Corneal Surface. 
Proceedings of SPIE  Vol.1429 Holography, 
Interferometry and Optical Pattern Recognition 1991: 
Gormley DJ, Gersten M, Koplin RS, Lubkin V (1988) 
Corneal Modelling. Cornea 7(1) 1988:30-35. 
Guillon M, Lydon DPM, Wilson C (1986) Corneal 
Topography: A Clinical Model.  Ophthalmic 
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Reliability and Validity of ^ Videokeratoscopic 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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