Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

and the camera constant must be determined. Further- 
more, imperfections in the specifications of the sensor 
element spacing cause a differentiation in scale along the 
two axes of the image. 
In order to enhance the geometric quality of the results, 
all the above problems should be solved with appropriate 
system calibration. The calibration model used in this test 
is shown in eqs (1) and described fully in (Beyer, 1992). 
X v — "o — à 
AX = AX, -—Ac- xsy + ya+ xr Kı tg Kot 
wg 2: 9 = 
+ XI Ks +(r" +2x")P; +2 y P, mn 
y +1,23 = 
Ay - Ay, -—Ac-0+ xa+ yr, K, + yr^K, * 
«y r*K, *2x y Pj an £2y P; 
Ax, Ay, Ac Change of interior orientation parameters 
Sy Scale factor in x direction 
a Shear factor (affinity) 
K,, K,, K3 First three parameters for radial !ens 
P,P, First two parameters for decentering lens 
X =X-X p 
ye yy 
r= vx + y? 
Nominal values 
Xp 0.029 mm (384.00 pixels) 
Yp - 0.129 mm (287.50 pixels) 
C 8.959 mm 
Additional Parameters 
AXp -4.51 1073 mm 
Ayp 5.53 107^ mm 
Ac 1.18 107^ mm 
S -2.09 1076 
a 3.05 1074 
K, -1.46 1073 
K, 5.78 10° 
K3 0 
P, -3.56 1074 
P, 1.92 104 
To obtain precise calibration parameters for the cam- 
corder, a testfiled calibration was performed. The 3-D 
testfield spans 2.6x2.0x1.1 m? and contains 162 targets. 
Two images at each of four camera stations were taken, 
one image being acquired with the camera in upright 
position and the other with the camera rotated 909 around 
its optical axis. The above described set of 10 additional 
parameters was used for the calibration, in order to 
compensate the effects of systematic errors introduced by 
the non-ideal geometric characteristics of the imaging 
system. The camcorder has been calibrated using the 
above described ETH calibration testfield (Beyer, et. al., 
1992) and the values of the additional parameters entering 
the above calibration model have been estimated as 
shown below with a precision of several micrometers. 
5.2 Bundle adjustment 
All the measured image coordinates entered the bundle 
adjustment for a minimum constrained solution (only 7 
parameters for the datum definition are assumed fixed). In 
the first set of adjustments, only the object coordinates 
are assumed unknown, whereas the systematic errors are 
taken care by a pre-calibration using the calibration model 
described above together with the obtained values for the 
parameters. For the second set of adjustments the 
additional parameters for systematic error compensation 
are also assumed unkown, using their known values only 
as approximate ones. In the latter case the minimum 
number of constraints needed for the datum definition are 
17 (10 are attributed to the A.P's). 
From the 15 known points (their coordinates are known 
from surveying measurements) in the first facade, the 
minimum number are kept fixed as control points and the 
rest serve as check points. 
5.3 Transformation to a common frame 
In order for the above results to be compatible to the 
results obtained by the other participants in this CIPA 
test, the minimum constrained solutions obtained so far 
should be transfered to the same reference frame with the 
rest of the solutions. This reference frame (Patias, et. al., 
1993) is uniquely defined, it provides the minimum norm 
and it is obtained by the free-network adjustment. 
The transformation of the minimum constrained solution 
to a free-network solution requires a Helmert transforma- 
tion. The points kept fixed (base points) during this 
transformation are the same as those used by the other 
participants. The coordinates and the respective variance- 
covariance matrix are then transferred to their free- 
network respectives. 
In order to access the accuracy of the adjusted 
coordinates we computed a number of criteria, ranging 
from local criteria (characterizing individual points) to 
global criteria (characterizing the whole solution). It 
should be pointed out that all these are accuracy criteria 
since they refer to the actually known (from surveying 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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