Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

We used two wide angle universal measuring cameras 
UMK 10/1318 A and one superwide angle universal 
measuring camera UMK 6,5 /1318 Zeiss Jena in order to 
take the terrestrial photogrammetric photographs. 
Photographic glass plates TOPO ORWO having 
dimensions of 130/180 mm and sensitivity of 6 to 9 DIN 
have been used. 
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1 V. 4 
The camera stations (UMK 10/1318) have been located 
on the left and right side of the lock (built-in 
platforms,stations AR,BL, figure 2).They were identical 
with the theodolites stations during the  geodetic 
measurement of control points.The camera station (UMK 
6,5/1318) has been located on the lower barrier (station 
C,figure 2).Photographs have been taken simultaneously 
at both stations in the single stages. 
The photograph coordinates of control as well as 
determined points create the basic input data for the 
analytical calculation of the observed points spatial 
position in the single stages. 
The spatial shifts of observed targets AX,AY,AZ were 
determined as differences between spatial reference 
coordinates of observed points X,Y,Z in separate stages 
of loading test. 
The photograph coordinates have been measured 
monocularly on a precise Dicometer Zeiss Jena 
stereocomparator, achieving an accuracy of photograph 
co-ordinates of 2 um. The photograph coordinates have 
been simultaneously recorded as input data for further 
processing and computer calculations, applying the 
universal analytic ORIENT software. 
The calculations resulted in spatial reference coordinates 
X,Y,Z of observed points determined in the single stages, 
accurate to 1.0 mm « m, « 2.0 mm (observed points L7 - 
L13,P7 - P13) and 2.0 mm « m, « 3.0 mm of remaining 
observed points. 
The mean errors my, my, m; is a priori estimate by law 
of error propagation by the following equations: 
mx = (cosy --tga" sing). m' 
my = UP Ttga. sing) m' (3) 
d Td m! 
mx = (cose +tga’ sing) m 
whereby (figure 5) 
o is the convergence angle of camera axes, 
a’ - the maximum image space angle, 
d - distance of lock gate from photogrammetric base b, 
m' - mean error of image coordinates. 
"gate" S unm me iil SE 
"upper barriers" 
Figure 5 Camera axes 
If photograps ere taken with universal metric camera UMK 
10/1318,m'=0.005 mm,d=30 m,p=429 and œ'=46.59,there 
are mean coordinates errors mx = m7 = 1.3 mm and my = 
1.5 mm. 
The horizontal shifts AY of chosen observed points in 
separate stages of loading test are in tab.1..Graphical 
presentation of deformation of the lock gate in separate 
stages are in figure 6 ( dashed line - geodetic 
measurements full line - photogrammetric 
The differences of determined horizontal shift AY of 
observed points between "geodetic" minus 
"photogrammetric" measurements as the true errors,are 
in average e = 2.0 mm for points L7 - L13 and P7 - 
P13.The differences of remaining observed points are the 
largest ones.The geodetic measurement was considered 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
as a standar 
targets) and 
geodetic mee 
(exposure tirr 
Fe = 
SHIFT [mm] 
Figure 6 
The value of 
the horizonta 
of AY is giver 
whereby s 
gate in mm 
The expecte 
points locate 
lock gate is - 
mean error 
horizontal unt 
=15-3 m 
The analytice 
software is t 
spatial deforr 
intervals, as i 
the left lock ç 
method can E 
enable regule 
geometric - 
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