Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Reflection lines can be simulated on a computer screen much 
easier than on the physical prototype, because usually the 
prototype is made up of rather dull material making it 
impossible to sufficiently visualize reflections. Even ıf the 
prototype is given a paint coating there would still be the need 
for highly specialized lighting equipment. The corrections 
made to the CAD model to ensure well behaved reflection 
lines are usually very small, a few tenths of a milimeter, which 
ın tum are easier applied to the mathematical model rather 
than to the physical model. 
It is however often necessary to manufacture a new physical 
model from the CAD data, because additional changes are to 
be made, impossible to simulate or judge within the CAD 
world. The modifications applied to this model in turn have to 
be brought back into the CAD system. 
This leads to the second application of photogrammetry in the 
design process. There is already an exsisting design stored in 
the CAD system which has to be corrected for the changes 
applied to the physical model. The process of defining Bezier 
patches is a rather time consuming task and it is not desirable 
to repeat this process everytime the CAD model has to be 
The idea is to change to CAD model on a global basis, i.e. 
modifications to the prototype which may affect a number of 
patches are to be applied such as to preserve the initial lines of 
the design but on the other hand to adapt the design as close as 
possible to the new data. 
A typical example would be that the door of a car was enforced 
side impact 
few milimeters to give greater stability. 
Fugure 4 - Differences (exaggerated) between original design 
and new measurement data 
The new data can easily be captured using the 
photogrammetric system. The deviations between the original 
design and the measurements can be used to compute a 
difference surface which in turn can be applied to the original 
data, preserving the original as much as possible. 
If the original surface is composed of Bezier patches with 
continous transitions, the addition may violate the conditions. 
However provided the differences are small, the violations will 
be nearly invisible. The addition of the difference surface will 
also work with large differences, manual corrections to ensure 
continous transitions will have to be made. 
4 Conclusion 
The combination of a photogrammetric measurement system 
with a powerfull CAD system enhances the possibilities in 
reverse engineering. 
Let us raise a final question: reverse engineering quo vadis? 
CAD systems are so far purely interactive requiring an 
experienced operator to describe the surface of a digitized 
Attempts are made in the moment to automize the process of 
patch definition in the initial phase (Eck, 1996, Hoschek, 
1996). This promisses a further speed up of the design process. 
An automatic process that analyses the measurements and 
extracts possible locations for the Bezier patches could 
significantly enhance productivity. 
5 References 
Bonitz, P., Krzystek, P.: Reverse Enginerring with ICEM 
SURF in Combination With Digital Photogrammetry 
ICEM PHOTO, Proceedings of Workshop Reverse 
Engineering, Tauberbischofsheim, February 26-29, 
Eck, M.: Reverse Engineering using B-Splines, 1996 
Gründig, L., Bühler, W.: Zur Náherungsbestimmung und 
Bündelausgleichung von Konvergentaufnahmen. 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen 53 (6) 1985 
Hoschek, J.: Smooth B-Spline Surface Approximation To 
Scattered Data. Proceedings of Workshop Reverse 
Engineering, Tauberbischofsheim, February 26-29, 
Krzystek, P., Petran, F., Schewe, H: Automatic 
Reconstruction of Concept Models By Using A Digital 
Photogrammetric Measurement System, Proceedings 
ISPRS Intercommision Workshop "From Pixels To 
Sequences", Zürich March 22-24,1995 
Schewe,  H: Automatic  Photogrammetric  Car-Body 
Measurement. Proceedings of the 41st 
Photogrammetric Week, Stuttgart, pp. 47-56, 1987 
Schultes, M.: Untersuchung der Abbildungseigenschaften 
einer Still Video Kamera vom Typ Kodak DCS200, 
Diplomarbeit, Universität Stuttgart 1995. 
Sorgatz, U.: Das Geometriedatenerfassungssystem VWSCAN 
im CAE-Konzept, VDI-Z 7/88, pp. 38-46, 1988 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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