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Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Pollak, Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys,
University of Hannover, Germany
Commission V, Working Group V/2
KEY WORDS: Video, CCD, Configuration, Orientation
In the field of industrial quality control the object measurement with CCD-video-cameras gains increasing importance. In
contrast to conventional photogrammetry there are other possibilities, but also other boundaries, depending on hard-
ware. Especially the lower relative image resolution and the resulting small operating range in object space influence the
configuration possibilities. Under this point of view different layout aspects of CCD-video measurement systems are
discussed in the following. Solutions for special problems are proposed. The difficulty of the selection and evaluation of
systems is described.
Im Bereich der industriellen Qualitátskontrolle gewinnt die Objektvermessung mit CCD-Video-Kameras zunehmend an
Bedeutung. Gegenüber der konventionellen Photogrammetrie ergeben sich gerátebedingt andere Móglichkeiten, aber
auch andere Grenzen. Besonders die geringere relative Bildauflósung und der damit einhergehende kleine Arbeitsbe-
reich im Objekt wirken sich nachteilig auf die Konfigurationsmóglichkeiten aus. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt werden im
folgenden verschiedene Aspekte der Auslegung von CCD-Video-Vermessungssystemen diskutiert. Für einige Detail-
probleme werden Lósungsmóglichkeiten vorgeschlagen. Es wird desweiteren auf die Schwierigkeit der Auswahl und
Beurteilung von Systemen eingegangen.
evaluation time is mainly a factor for hardware layout and
software automation. Beside this it possibly limits the use
of moving components which are discussed below. The
industrial environment can cause a lot of difficulties re-
Planning a photogrammetric measurement system for sulting from dirty conditions, reduced operating space,
industrial quality control purposes is a very complex task. production activities and traffic.
Several aspects have to be taken into account which are While optimizing a system for the above mentioned crite-
not known when using conventional cameras. Examples ria one has to consider the costs of hardware and soft-
are statically installed online-systems, real-time ability ware in order to achieve an economic solution.
and automatic evaluation. The objects to be measured
vary in form and size in a wide range. Many special con- 1.2 Status quo of video hardware
ditions are given in an industrial environment. A large
palette of hardware is available. Hardware availability has grown while prices were re-
In the following some considerations are made concern- duced rapidly in the last few years. This affects mainly
ing the configuration of static online photogrammetric standard video products compatible with TV-norms like
systems based on standard video techniques. CCIR in Europe or RS170 in the USA. Cameras of this
type have an image resolution of up to 800 by 600 pixel at
a rate of 25 or 30 frames per second. Several available
features like shutter modes, automatic gain control,
gamma adjust, different synchronisation methods and
separated heads make the difference between low-cost
size of object and high-end. In the context of this paper an idealized
accuracy of results camera of this category is used as base for all considera-
available time for image acquisition and evaluation tions.
industrial environment
economic considerations
1.1 Basic requirements
A measurement task is described by the:
1.3 Resulting aspects of block configuration
The object size together with the required accuracy define A static online video system needs a different block layout
the number of cameras, which also depends on the im- compared to conventional photogrammetry for the fol-
age resolution. The available image aquisition and lowing reasons:
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996