Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

Günter Pomaska, Prof. Dr.-Ing.Fachhochschule Bielefeld, 
Fachbereich Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen, Germany 
Commission V, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS : Architecture, Visualization, CAD, Image, Graphics 
Hybrid measurement techniques for performing a digital 3D-model with respect to the building survey of an 
ancient castle are shown. An analytical model of the castle, including sufficient information for digital image 
rectification, is provide through multi image photogrammetry. Results of image rectifications are stored in a bitmap 
library for further orientation in the 3D-model. Common software tools are used for this process. The software 
packages RolleiMetric MR2 for the analytical multi image evaluation and Rolleimetric MSR for digital image 
rectification support the photogrammetric part. Adobe Photosop is used for digital imaging. AutoCAD and 
AccuRender are the tools for manipulating the analytical and digital 3D- model. 
Am Beispiel der Bauaufnahme einer Burgruine wird der Einsatz hybrider Mefiverfahren zur Erstellung eines 
digitalen 3D-Modells bis hin zur Animation gezeigt. Mittels Mehrbildphotogrammetrie wird ein geometrisches 
Modell der Burg erstellt, das hinreichend Informationen zur digitalen Entzerrung der Fassadenaufnahmen 
beinhaltet. Ergebnisse der Entzerrung werden in einer Bitmap-Library gespeichert und im analytischen 3D-Modell 
orientiert. Hierbei werden die Móglichkeiten standardmáftiger Softwarewerkzeuge aufgezeigt. Neben den 
photogrammetrischen Programmen RolleiMetric MR2 zur analytischen Mehrbildauswertung und RolleiMetric 
MSR zur digitalen Einbildentzerrung werden Adobe Photoshop für die Bildbearbeitung, AutoCAD und 
AccuRender zur Bearbeitung des analytischen und digitalen Modells eingesetzt. 
Surveys for performing the as-built structure of a 
building are carried out for several purposes such as 
preservation and restauration or studies on the 
architectural history. A civil engineering project today 
demands the presentation of the surveying results as 
an analytical CAD-model which fulfils the 
requirements of further data processing for various 
tasks. Simulation and animation like walk throughs 
are highly accepted presentation techniques today. 
Finally the data base can be used for facility 
management applications. 
A complete building survey includes recording of the 
facades as well as floor plans, section and height 
measurements. A combination of photogrammetric 
recording, electronic tacheometry and tape 
measurements is the appropriate technique. 
Electronic Tacheometry. Usually a geodetic network 
is necessary for recording the as-built structure of a 
construction. Setting out and control measurements 
Figure 1: Part of the castle already renovated. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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