John Marshall
Surveying Engineering
Purdue University
James Bethel
Surveying Engineering
Purdue University
Key Words: Surveying, Statitistics, Adjustment, Design, Estimation.
The detection of erroneous observations is a challenging
skill that requires the dedicated energies of photogram-
metrists and surveyors on a day-to-day basis. This paper
focuses on a robust estimator for its erroneous observation
detection because robust estimators often perform satisfac-
torily in the face of observations with blunders. Many cur-
rent blunder detection methods are based on least squares
which is not a robust estimator. The robust estimator ex-
amined is L; norm minimization and some of its unique
properties related to network adjustment are presented.
The Li norm residual sampling distribution is described
both theoretically and empirically to illustrate the foun-
dation for statistical inference of erroneous observations.
Network reliability issues are presented in light of unique
properties surrounding the 1 norm. This analysis has ap-
plication to many estimation problems such as those from
geodesy, photogrammetry, and, in particular, close-range
An important asset to any photogrammetric or survey en-
gineer is the ability to accurately detect erroneous observa-
tions based on accepted statistical premises. Traditionally
erroneous observations have been identified by examining
least squares (L2 norm) residuals (Baarda, 1968), (Pope,
1976), (Kavouras, 1982) and others. Least squares estima-
tion maintains many useful properties when the error vec-
tor e, is normally distributed with zero mean, e ~ N(0, e).
However, in cases where erroneous observations exist and
the relatively stringent normality assumptions surround-
ing the La norm are violated, a robust estimator such as
the L1 norm may be better suited to deal with these depar-
tures from normality. In addition to effectively managing
the departures from normality, the Z1 norm may serve as
an additional means of ruling whether borderline observa-
tions should be removed from a network adjustment. Used
in this capacity, the L1 norm is especially appealing to an
engineer given the nonscientific method of selecting the sig-
nificance level for statistical inference. The strengths and
weaknesses of [1 norm blunder detection are illustrated
using Monte Carlo simulation.
Accurate observation weights are necessary in surveying
and photogrammetric applications, particularly when the
observations come from different sources. For L; estima-
tion the definition of the weight itself does not change, but
we incorporate the weights differently in the computations.
The function to be minimized under the L; criterion is,
tT |v] — minimum (1)
where t is comprised of the diagonal elements of T,
1/01 0
0 1/0»
and v is the vector of residuals. In the actual computations
we implement the weighting by premultiplying the matrix
equations by T, i.e.,
BA =f (2)
TBA ~ Tf. (3)
3.1 Mathematical Model
The theoretical sampling distribution of L; norm residuals
forms the foundation for statistical inference concerning
erroneous observations and it is based on a priori knowl-
edge of network geometry, observation variances, and the
method of estimation. In the case of L1 norm estimation,
many new challenges arise for the engineer who has relied
exclusively on the L2 norm for his erroneous observation
detection because of the differing mathematical models as-
sociated with the L4 and L2 norm estimators. In terms
of residuals and residual sampling distributions, the two
most significant differences between the L; and L2 esti-
mators are,
1. The L5 norm residuals can be expressed in terms of
all the observations, whereas the L1 norm residuals
are expressed in terms of subsets of observations.
For the L2 norm, linear combinations of Gaussian
random variables give rise to Gaussian combinations
(Menke, 1989), whereas for the Li norm, the results
are not strictly linear combinations.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part BS. Vienna 1996
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